Johnathan –

Victim Location 15801

Total money lost $3,600

Type of a scam Romance

The girl’s name is Sarah Rose Michael I saw her on Facebook and she appealed to me and we started chatting after my birthday in January this year 2018 after a month went by she started telling me about financial problems and having to move rent being 900 behind and landlord demanding it asking me if I could help her and her grandma out I told her that I was on SSD and lived on a budget and barely getting by myself after chatting for another month she told me that her grandma was a severe diabetic and needed medication they had no money to buy it I said take her to the hospital the next day she told me that Grandma slipped into a diabetic coma this went on for a month and started asking if I could send money to buy Grandma’s medication this put up a red flag for me if Grandma is in a coma in a hospital why does Sarah have to buy medication makes no sense does it I didn’t send any money 2 more days went by and she said that the hospital send her from Cullowhee Walla Florida to Texas hospital for specialist Red Flag again there are plenty of good specialist in Florida makes no sense does it a week went by chatting back and forth Shane stuff like Grandma is the only thing I have in this world and you’re so good to me Pat you’re the only one I can talk to now again they are in Texas hospital specialist and she asked me for money to buy Grandma’s medication the next day she told me that the doctors told her that Grandma probably wasn’t going to make it and Sarah said I’m here in Texas I have no money to get back home now remember the home and call the Walla Walla Florida they were renting they were $900 behind two and a half months ago and we’re already being told to move out by landlord where was Sarah going to go back to I had to go out of state for a few months and came back to DuBois PA where I live and started chatting with Sarah again and I asked her where she was living at and how grandma was doing she said we’re back in Florida and Grandma is considered to be unconscious on life support and oxygen she said she needed money to buy sedative pills for Grandma and oxygen she was almost out could I send money I sent $300 in iTune cards I told her I would send her a MoneyGram and she could pick it up at any Walmart and they will give her the cash she said no that doesn’t work for me send me the iTune cards because I can walk to the vendor and get the cash the closest Walmart is over 20 miles away from me and I have no money to pay to get there so I sent the cards anyway of $300 $100 denominations the next day while chatting I brought up the question if you were being kicked out of the house you were renting in Call of Walla and being $900 behind and asking to help with the rent where are you living at now she told me they had to go to family friends in Sand Lake Orange County Florida I said send me a picture of Grandma at your house on life support and oxygen she got angry with me and said I don’t have to send you a picture you don’t like me you never did another red flag a person begging for money constantly doesn’t fly off the handle and start telling a person things like that the argument continue to go on calling me a hater and other verbal Communications that were insulting I said all you have to do to clear this up is send one picture of Grandma so she sent me a picture of a grandma on life support and oxygen in a hospital bed and according to Sarah grandma was supposed to be at family friends house on life support and oxygen also grandma is supposed to be a retired RN nurse from Canada and move to Florida to retire now she is at the age of 79 the picture of this woman looks to be about 60 or 63 years old not a gray hair on her or a wrinkle in her face she was laying there in bed with her eyes open and the tube in her throat the breathing tube I asked Sarah if her condition is considered to be unconscious why do you need $600 to buy sedative medications aren’t sedative medications sleeping medications again red flag makes no sense does it and of course I got no answer back from Sarah I asked her where are you living at in Florida now I mean where is the family friends house at in Florida she said Sand Lake Orange County Florida zip 32819 so I sent her the $600 in iTune cards again the next day she said could you send money for food I said how much do you need now 900 red flag again who is she feeding an army I asked her to send her phone number to me so I could call her and hear her voice she told me her speaker was broken and I wouldn’t be able to hear her but she sent a phone number 1 239 324-4709 I called the number anyway while we were chatting on the cell phone I used the landline and called the number the number didn’t work we start chatting after I told her that was me calling you pick up your phone turn off your Google Hangouts let’s stop chatting and pick up the phone I want to hear your voice again she said about the broken speaker I tried calling three more times and it was ringing every time but no one answered from this number I gave you so it is a working number but whose it is I don’t know the next morning she text me real early on Google Hangouts and I told her I had to catch the bus I had to leave so we hung up I brush my teeth and five minutes later I called that number again it was busy haha so the speaker isn’t broken if you’re talking on the phone red flag again later that same day she was complaining about not being able to see me because her phone camera was broke but yet she sends me these pictures I want to video chat with her if her camera is broke how is she taking still pictures red flag again she said I think I could get away from Grandma for a while and come up and see you face to face I said that would be great how will you get here well you send me money for the flight and I’ll be right there I told her Dubois has no airport that lands a jet the closest one is Pittsburgh PA and you would have to ride the bus up to DuBois and it’s a 3-hour trip in a box because they stopped in every little one-horse town there is to stop and let people off and pick people up you might as well get the bus down there it will be cheaper than flying anyway get me a price on a bus ticket round trip ticket for a week Florida to DuBois PA and time it will take to get here after 10 minutes she called back and says it’s $630 round trip bus ticket 17 hour trip one way I asked her which bus company she was going to take and she got angry again and started arguing with me I don’t have to tell you anything red flag again she’s calling me a devil and then she doesn’t want to come see me that quick after she’s just telling me how much she loves me red flag then she tells me she has to get someone to watch Grandma for a week while she goes and this woman wants $900 to watch Grandma for a week and Sarah says she also needs another $575 for grandma’s meds the next day I sent the money again buy iTune cards the next day she said she needed $200 to renew her passport I said you don’t need a passport to ride the bus all you need is ID a photo ID or a driver’s license she says she doesn’t have either one now isn’t this against the law in Florida to because it is in PA red flag again I told her to call about the ID and how much it cost in PA it’s $60 for a new photo ID she got back to me after a while and told me it was $65 and the photo place was going to close before she got there and she needed the money I said you mean after all the money I already sent you you can’t have $65 to buy your ID tomorrow no I spent it all already red flag again she already told me all she did is call about the bus ticket did not buy the bus ticket I continue playing her game just to find out if this truly was a scammer in the working process possibly even disguising her beautiful pictures using them and fooling me into not wanting to be able to talk to her would be alright with me the next day she starts talking about being with me up here and how wonderful it will be to finally meet me she said will you send me money 4 snacks for the bus ride and sanitary pads and panties I said of course how much do you need $400 I said since when do sanitary pads cost $400 haha red flag again so I don’t know who is going to read this but if you’re telling these figures up if I’m right I’m real bad with math but that comes to $3,600 I have sent her in the matter of 3 days of communication I think this girl needs to be exposed as a scammer where she advertises herself on Facebook I know you’re probably saying the same questions everybody else was telling me she sounds like a scammer you better Google her well I told everybody I already did and there is right from the beginning a Sarah Rose Michael in Call of Walla Florida I haven’t Googled her right now or done any research after that all I have been doing is playing her game to see if my first opinion of the red flagging was right and of course she was supposed to go down and cash the iTune cards today it’s Sand Lake Orange County Florida walking to the vendor and getting $2,300 in cash and walking back home I told her you be careful of course 15 minutes later she text back saying that it has happened Pat I am at the police station the police are questioning me I have been robbed I have been molested I have been assaulted I said send me a picture of the policeman that are questioning you I think I know a way to help you and them she said I’m walking home right now red flag 10 minutes later she said she was home and that the two men that followed her out of the vendor store had a gun on her and told her they would kill her they took her purse she said there was nothing she could do they said if she screamed they would kill her I said what did I tell you before you left she said be careful I said if you noticed two guys following you on the way home why didn’t you cross the road and go into a store or knock on a door then she said I didn’t notice them red flag again that’s not what she said 10 minutes ago I asked her are you hurt are you okay she said I’m mentally hurt only red flag when people are robbed in this nature they are very angry and upset and horrified she is texting me in Conley mannering sentences red flag again so I told her I said they took your purse and not your phone cuz most women carry their purse or phone in their purse no reply I said well at least you’re okay I’ll tell you what I’ll call Consumer Cellular and you can get rid of your old phone and I’ll send you a new one the Samsung Galaxy J-3 and then we can video chat and actually see each other and talk to each other just send me your address and I’ll have it sent to you expediently you will have it in 3 days and it will only cost me $15 to add you to my plan she said I really don’t need a phone red flag I said no no you just send me your address and I’ll take care of everything when you get your new phone and see these features that this has and how clear of a screen it has you’ll love it will be able to talk to each other all right is almost like being there face to face reality she said I’m not happy right now I’m going to bed and that’s when she stopped texting me at 11:30 p.m. tonight today’s date is 812 18 so I think my curiosity has been filled and my suspicions are correct this girl is a scammer and needs to be exposed and have people not be ripped off anymore and possibly it isn’t even a girl cuz I have never heard her voice I only have pictures of her and her grandma address and a phone number that no one answers or it’s busy okay that’s the end of my story

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