SDJ Sports UK Ltd

Gary โ€“

Victim Location 91405

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Scammer has an Amazon web page. They have a forged โ€˜Return and Refundโ€™ system operating out of a fake warehouse in Portland, OR here: 1812 N Columbia Blvd  Suite C15-523163  Portland Oregon 97217  <span title=",+Portland,+OR+97217/@45.5854407,-122.6853288,3a,75y,229.42h,87.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3uG5ZWC6VI6UJ81xaO30UQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x5495a7b681e9628d:0x15adcb6ca4fcd028!8m2!3d45.5850774!4d-122.6859497,+Portland,+OR+97217/@45.58โ€ฆโ‡„ />
They provide a pre printed, pre addressed RMA and shipping return label that is barcoded. It is scanned at the Post Office during the return process. The item then gets sent to their โ€˜fake warehouse,โ€™ and left there forever. The fake warehouse is: SDJ Sports Customer Returns

1812 N Columbia Blvd

Suite C15-523163

Portland, Oregon โ€“ 97217

Phone: 01487 830402

The scammer company then refuses any and all returns to all Amazon customers, saying "they cannot find any tracking info that they ever got the item back" โ€“ because it is sitting in a pile with thousands of other returned boxes collecting dust at the fake warehouse. (they, the scam company, are in the United Kingdom, not Portland).

You will have to fight them tooth and nail and get the attorney general and police involved, to force them to refund your money. Do not do business with them in any circumstance.

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