
Robin –

Victim Location 45458

Type of a scam Phishing

Extended Car Warranty Services Scam ($0 Lost)

I recently shipped two cars back to the the United States from overseas so I suspect someone in the process including the BMV may have sold my information. Regardless, within weeks of retuning I received multiple notices and letters (23 and counting) for both vehicles offering me an extended warranty covering everything but wear and tear. The letters did not have a return address and the website has limited information. The quote for one car was $2700 and for both cars it would have been $4700.

The Phone Call:

The big piece out of this is that when I called the number on the letter out of curiosity the person on the other end was quick to make offers and pushy to get my credit card number. When I told him I would talk to my spouse first he doubled down on his efforts and said he couldn’t promise me the same quote even if I called back 20 minutes later.

My concern with this is that an inexperienced and/or vulnerable type person could easily fall prey to their high pressure sales tactics that come across more as a scam based on the following elements:

– Highlights on the Letter "Time Sensitive" "Please Call Immediately" etc etc.

– No return address on the letter

– limited information about the company online

– Very High Pressure Sales tactics followed with dramatic "what if" scenarios

– Willingness to give you major discounts without much thought

– Single upfront payment and then 24 smaller payment to make the cost seem less expensive

– It sounds to good to be true

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