Steal Gods

Holly –

Victim Location 27610

Total money lost $325

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Carlos Quiroz advertises and sells sneakers via his website and Instagram page. My son Justin Reynolds Purchased an advertised sneaker Box for $325 via cashapp in July 2019. The product was never sent. There were conversations exchanged between Justin and Carlos after about a month post payment and the speaker Box had not been sent out. Carlos initially claimed that he was out of town and would send the Sneaker Box as soon as possible. Then a couple weeks later, Justin made contact again and Carlos claimed that he could not find the Sneaker Box and would issue a refund. Justin attempted to make contact via phone and direct messages several more times. I also sent several messages via direct messages on Instagram urging Carlos to honor his commitment to return Our money. As of current, Oct 2019, there has been no response from Carlos or anyone representing this site. No refund has been made. After a bull in advertising. Carlos is back online and has recently posted new merchandise for sale. And to add injury to insult, Justin and I have since both been blocked on his social media page and website. We are now unable to make any contact.

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