Sleepy Time / FDL*Nutritive

Miguel – Dec 28, 2020

My story was I was giving a free sample,once I see it was more required from me a stated no thanks and closed the avoiding that free sample then I was charge $95.21.My bank now think I am trying to fraud them by fighting back at theses people who can help with this nonsense and unlawful move.

Erica – Dec 14, 2020

Well, I’m certainly glad to hear that I’m not the only person who was suckered by this “good deal”! I responded to the CBD oil item (on 3 Mar 2020), and the handling and mailing charge would be $5.95 (no mention was made of any other product or item other than the oil, and there was no mention of a time limit to refuse the monthly mailing and charge (charges in my case – I received three (!) items in the first mailing). I didn’t realize that these other provisos were extant until I saw the charges on my charge account (Cap 1 if you’re interested). So, I was getting charges from FDL*NUTRIVE.COM [CBD capsules, based on a phone call to the number in the charge line in my account](notice the somewhat different internet ID) and MYGARCINIANOW.COM [CBD oil]. In August a third entity showed up on my charge account: ALLHITI*GOOTIMESWELLN [probably the “Sleepy Time” capsules]. A typical (I’v now learned of internet scammers) first charge of $4.99, to see if the charge account holder squawks or complains. Then about two weeks later the bigger charge hits: in this case, $94.99. So, to make a long, sad story shorter, I finally got Cap 1 to put “Contested by CC holder” note on 11 out of 12 bogus charges. I still am trying to get my money back because it amounts to nearly $600.00 !

Grace – Oct 17, 2020

I ordered from website advertising Free sample CBD oil used by Chedric Boseman just pay $4.95 S&H…I order they added the Sleepy Time ($24.95)and another CBD capsules ($5.95..I called and they refunded the cost for those products and only charged me the S&H for CBD oil…however 15 days later I get $95.21 deducted from my Cash App account…I called and they told me that they don’t send out samples, they send the original product and you have 14days to cancel the order and stop future shipments and charges…All well and good, however, there was no mention of the 14 day policy either in the add of the receipt they emailed me after I made the purchase..I tried to check the website that I ordered from and it no longer exists.. I called 3 times and threatened to take legal action..after the 3rd conversation with them I was offered $57.30 refund I insisted on total refund than they offered $85.20 I refused that and insisted on full refund and they finally consented to refund my account $95.21. I have not seen it yet but Cash App..also a friend of mine made the same order and was also billed $95.21 however, her bank (Chase) declined the transaction because they had been getting a number of complaints re: this company (charge)..side note: the product does seem to work but there is no way I would willing pay $95.21 for a 1oz bottle of ANYTHING…

Kristi – Aug 07, 2020

Out of the blue we were charged $95.21. Luckily our bank security called to see if it was legit. Of course it wasn’t. The bank has blocked the card. But the bank is issuing a new card that will arrive in 7 to 10 days. Thanks to FDL*Nutritive for the inconvenience.

Amy – Aug 04, 2020

I also said ok for the 4.95 charge for product now their trying to charge my account for 95.00, thank goodness I didn’t have enough room on my charge for that amount an it didn’t go thru. It’s a scam, to get you hooked, I can’t find any contact information in trying to get this forever stopped. Please don’t do business with FDL Nutritive for their hook to charge your account later.

George – Jul 13, 2020

Victim Location 48009

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was either on facebook or yahoo and there were some ads on the right side of the page…one was for a cbd product that Kevin Costner endorsed…$4.95 sample…I clicked on it, said yes to the $4.95 sample (WHAT A DUMMY!!!!). The page immediately offered another product for $_____…It was fairly easy to find where to say NO THANK YOU on that page, so I did…Then it asked if I wanted some other product for $24.95, and I COULDN’T FIND WHERE TO SAY NO….So I clicked continue…I filled out the cc info and closed the page…I immediately saw that I was being charged for that second optional [email protected] $24.95, so I called them immediately….They told me I could return it….and pay $____ or keep it for $9.95….Well, I got them to credit me the entire $24.95…That was on 6/19/2020. I tried to use my Visa yesterday and it was declined. I called usbank today and they told me they froze my account, because of these two charges on my account that they declined…from "FDL*Nutritive" in California….They had no phone number, they had no city for these clowns. The emails from them that I received, confirming and crediting my account were from "[email protected]" and their phone number included in that email was

855-488.3043. I just called them, asked why they were charging my account two times ($95.21 on 7/8/2020 and $71.41 on 7/11/2020). The person I spoke with (Who Truly May Have Been A Computer???Asian-Sounding) explained to me that I should have cancelled some self-fulfilling monthly amount….or the balance of what I owed after that $4.95 sample…or Some Other Sort Of Garbage… OH MY GOODNESS. These people are horrible…and I have learned my lesson….Ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Oh My Goodness. Thank you…Please do what you can to stop these people….WOW.

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