Silk Energy Company Limited Inc.

Ivan – Dec 23, 2020

Hello! I got same email today. This is fake!

We have acknowledged your mail and the information herein. We are looking for a dedicated international supply agent Manager who will be responsible for maintaining strong customer relationships between the company and the manufacturing company. The agent may perform technical tasks, such as product monitoring and checking the quality of inventory.

Ownership structure
Silk Energy: 50%

Silk Energy operates fifteen projects in the western Athabasca Basin, with the majority located in Saskatchewan and one in Patterson Lake South and covering about 160,000 hectares. The mining method for the underground will be longhole retreat mining in both transverse and longitudinal methods, and some localize drift and fill mining based on current block model information. The mining will progress from the bottom levels to the top, and from the southwest to northeast. Mining is planned at nominally 1,000 pd ore. This is why a higher viscosifier oil and synthetic based drilling mud is require for this operation, product identify is Viscofluid

Agent duty is to monitor all related activities of the manufacturing company to comprehend the product quality expectations before shipment. Agent will approve or reject shipment process in respect to quality standard and record supplier performances. However, due to the current global challenge, agent will operate from home until the current is stable. Silk Energy will provide the use of output samples to check appropriate methods before shipment departure. You will work as a contracted agent, make inquiry from manufacturers of the product from Southeast Asia as approved and recommended by the technical team of the Chemical Association Canada, approving Southeast Asia as the best and natural viscosifier (Viscofluid) needed for this project. Your major responsibility is to make the required product available (Viscofluid) and supply to our Contractors in our project site in Canada on monthly basis or upon request by Silk Energy. After every process of selection is concluded, you will be invited officially to our head office here in Canada for the signing of the contract agreement (Hard Copy), legal documents, and other formalities. Silk Energy will borne the cost of training.

By accepting this job offer you are eligible, Silk Energy will commence the establishment process immediately after the selecting process is complete which includes contract signing and training. As our agent, you are entitle to receive- Establishment fee of $300,000.00 (Three hundred Thousand Dollars) for one year, including $20 instant payment on each of the product liters supply as your commission. Agent is also entitle to receive monthly flight allowance for any inspection if require by Silk Energy final checking at the manufacturer factory before dispatches- one year insurance cover is also included. The agent establishment fee is to facilitate the office setup. Meanwhile, the monthly supply volume is 25,000 liters per month. By accepting this job offer you are eligible to relocate your spouse and children to Canada

All the above mentioned will be effective after confirming you our international agent according to the selection criteria, and your reliability towards such position. The monthly product cost price and delivery charges will be paid by Silk Energy through you as our agent; meanwhile you are expected to be reliable and accountable towards utilizing the fund for its original purpose. Moreover, you will present to us a monthly report on your financial activities and our project supervisors will visit you at the end of every month to ascertain progress on your monthly report. Get back to us if you are interested and ready to handle this contract as international agent, then we shall proceed with the contract terms and conditions and other task.


Mr David Stuart
Exploration Manager
Silk Energy Company Limited
E-mail: [email protected]|[email protected]


Luis – Dec 20, 2020

I had been contacted by Spilan Nawaratch through Linked IN offering me attractive opportunity as International representative / Agent for oil and gas company in Canada called Silk Enregy, then she connected me to the contract department with a manager called David Stuart as exploration manager and he sent me the same contract details above and below FYKR!
” Attention: Mohammed Wasfi Ahmed Al Asi

We have acknowledged your mail and the information herein. We are looking for a dedicated international supply agent Manager who will be responsible for maintaining strong customer relationships between the company and the manufacturing company. The agent may perform technical tasks, such as product monitoring and checking the quality of inventory.
Ownership structure
Silk Energy: 50%

Silk Energy operates fifteen projects in the western Athabasca Basin, with the majority located in Saskatchewan and one in Patterson Lake South and covering about 160,000 hectares. The mining method for the underground will be longhole retreat mining in both transverse and longitudinal methods, and some localize drift and fill mining based on current block model information. The mining will progress from the bottom levels to the top, and from the southwest to northeast. Mining is planned at nominally 1,000 pd ore. This is why a higher viscosifier oil and synthetic based drilling mud is require for this operation, product identify is Viscofluid

Agent duty is to monitor all related activities of the manufacturing company to comprehend the product quality expectations before shipment. Agent will approve or reject shipment process in respect to quality standard and record supplier performances. However, due to the current global challenge, agent will operate from home until the current is stable. Silk Energy will provide the use of output samples to check appropriate methods before shipment departure. You will work as a contracted agent, make inquiry from manufacturers of the product from Southeast Asia as approved and recommended by the technical team of the Chemical Association Canada, approving Southeast Asia as the best and natural viscosifier (Viscofluid) needed for this project. Your major responsibility is to make the required product available (Viscofluid) and supply to our Contractors in our project site in Canada on monthly basis or upon request by Silk Energy. After every process of selection is concluded, you will be invited officially to our head office here in Canada for the signing of the contract agreement (Hard Copy), legal documents, and other formalities. Silk Energy will borne the cost of training.

By accepting this job offer you are eligible, Silk Energy will commence the establishment process immediately after the selecting process is complete which includes contract signing and training. As our agent, you are entitle to receive- Establishment fee of $300,000.00 (Three hundred Thousand Dollars) for one year, including $20 instant payment on each of the product liters supply as your commission. Agent is also entitle to receive monthly flight allowance for any inspection if require by Silk Energy final checking at the manufacturer factory before dispatches- one year insurance cover is also included. The agent establishment fee is to facilitate the office setup. Meanwhile, the monthly supply volume is 25,000 liters per month. By accepting this job offer you are eligible to relocate your spouse and children to Canada
All the above mentioned will be effective after confirming you our international agent according to the selection criteria, and your reliability towards such position. The monthly product cost price and delivery charges will be paid by Silk Energy through you as our agent; meanwhile you are expected to be reliable and accountable towards utilizing the fund for its original purpose. Moreover, you will present to us a monthly report on your financial activities and our project supervisors will visit you at the end of every month to ascertain progress on your monthly report. Get back to us if you are interested and ready to handle this contract as international agent, then we shall proceed with the contract terms and conditions and other task.


Mr David Stuart
Exploration Manager
Silk Energy Company Limited
E-mail: [email protected]|[email protected]

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Silk takes all reasonable measures to keep the personal information it collects secure, and protect it from loss, unauthorised access, destruction, misuse, modification or disclosure. As far as permissible under the law, Silk takes no responsibility for unauthorised access to the information it holds.

it is very obviously a fake and you should be very careful not to fall in it please!

Hannah – Dec 11, 2020

I was contacted by Dmitry Ufaev through Linkedin using the same story. find attached the contract they are using. In the end, they want you to pay USD1,600 that you will kiss goodbye.
Another one of the things is that they are offering a disproportionate income and big transactions through representative instead of direct Corporate Payments. Beware, it’s a SCAM.

Deanna – Dec 12, 2020

The same person contacted me over Linkedin, and the same happened with me. They told me to contact Zenith Chemicals for the sample and to send them 20 usd sample of viscous fluids.
Is this a scam ?

Edward – Dec 07, 2020

Sou Brasileiro e recebi o mesmo e-mail
Reconhecemos seu e-mail e as informações aqui contidas. Estamos procurando um gerente de agente de fornecimento internacional dedicado, que será responsável por manter relacionamentos sólidos com os clientes entre a empresa e a empresa de manufatura. O agente pode realizar tarefas técnicas, como monitoramento do produto e verificação da qualidade do estoque.

Estrutura de propriedade
Silk Energy: 50%

A Silk Energy opera quinze projetos na Bacia Athabasca ocidental, com a maioria localizada em Saskatchewan e um no Lago Patterson South e cobrindo cerca de 160.000 hectares. O método de mineração para o subsolo será a mineração de retiro de poços longos nos métodos transversal e longitudinal, e alguns locais de mineração de deriva e aterro com base nas informações do modelo de bloco atual. A mineração progredirá dos níveis inferiores para o topo, e do sudoeste para o nordeste. A mineração está planejada para um minério nominal de 1.000 pd. É por isso que um óleo de maior viscosidade e lama de perfuração de base sintética são necessários para esta operação, a identificação do produto é Viscofluido

O dever do agente é monitorar todas as atividades relacionadas da empresa de manufatura para compreender as expectativas de qualidade do produto antes do envio. O Agente…

Enfim também comecei a investigar e acredito sim que seja golpe, pois o valor é muito alto de salário e comissões, e a partir do momento que solicite que vocês pague pela amostra se torna visivelmente um golpe.
Por que pegaria um brasileiro sem conhecimento da área de mineração para tal cargo

Misty – Nov 20, 2020

I recieved a similar email from them, but with a different twist to it.

We have acknowledged your mail and the information herein. We are looking for a dedicated international supply agent Manager who will be responsible for maintaining strong customer relationships between the company and the manufacturing company. The agent may perform technical tasks, such as product monitoring and checking the quality of inventory.

Ownership structure
Silk Energy: 50%

Silk Energy operates fifteen projects in the western Athabasca Basin, with the majority located in Saskatchewan and one in Patterson Lake South and covering about 160,000 hectares. The mining method for the underground will be longhole retreat mining in both transverse and longitudinal methods, and some localize drift and fill mining based on current block model information. The mining will progress from the bottom levels to the top, and from the southwest to northeast. Mining is planned at nominally 1,000 pd ore. This is why a higher viscosifier oil and synthetic based drilling mud is require for this operation, product identify is Viscofluid

Agent duty is to monitor all related activities of the manufacturing company to comprehend the product quality expectations before shipment. Agent will approve or reject shipment process in respect to quality standard and record supplier performances. However, due to the current global challenge, agent will operate from home until the current is stable. Silk Energy will provide the use of output samples to check appropriate methods before shipment departure. You will work as a contracted agent, make inquiry from manufacturers of the product from Southeast Asia as approved and recommended by the technical team of the Chemical Association Canada, approving Southeast Asia as the best and natural viscosifier (Viscofluid) needed for this project. Your major responsibility is to make the required product available (Viscofluid) and supply to our Contractors in our project site in Canada on monthly basis or upon request by Silk Energy. After every process of selection is concluded, you will be invited officially to our head office here in Canada for the signing of the contract agreement (Hard Copy), legal documents, and other formalities. Silk Energy will borne the cost of training.

By accepting this job offer you are eligible, Silk Energy will commence the establishment process immediately after the selecting process is complete which includes contract signing and training. As our agent, you are entitle to receive- Establishment fee of $300,000.00 (Three hundred Thousand Dollars) for one year, including $20 instant payment on each of the product liters supply as your commission. Agent is also entitle to receive monthly flight allowance for any inspection if require by Silk Energy final checking at the manufacturer factory before dispatches- one year insurance cover is also included. The agent establishment fee is to facilitate the office setup. Meanwhile, the monthly supply volume is 25,000 liters per month. By accepting this job offer you are eligible to relocate your spouse and children to Canada

All the above mentioned will be effective after confirming you our international agent according to the selection criteria, and your reliability towards such position. The monthly product cost price and delivery charges will be paid by Silk Energy through you as our agent; meanwhile you are expected to be reliable and accountable towards utilizing the fund for its original purpose. Moreover, you will present to us a monthly report on your financial activities and our project supervisors will visit you at the end of every month to ascertain progress on your monthly report. Get back to us if you are interested and ready to handle this contract as international agent, then we shall proceed with the contract terms and conditions and other task.

This is obviously fake, don’t fall for it. I work as a news editor. I’m from Egypt.
Who would go out of there to hire a news Editor from Egypt for a position in freaking Canada for a job that’s so heavily involved in the mining field? Also, his first message was regarding an offshore position. suddenly, he mentions the possibility of moving to Canada.

Candace – Sep 04, 2020

Type of a scam Employment

Dear Sir/Madam,


*** ********* ****** connected me through ******** and informing me that there is a great opportunity with his company –

Silk Energy Company Limited base in Alberta Canada as International Agent. After I submitted my resume to the email he was provided and later on his was identified himself as Mr. D. Stuart, Exploration Manager of the said company.

At first, I was directed to look for the manufacturing company in Southeast Asia producing Viscofluid product which I did and according to them as recommended by the Canada Association Chemicals.

After that, I was advised by Mr. Stuart to request a 20 liters sample to the company in Malaysia and it will reimburse the cost amounting to $1,600 upon signing of the contract (Hard copy) in Canada. On 30 June 2020, the product had been delivered to Silk Energy Limited with postal address at Station Main T8H 2T3 Alberta Canada which was confirmed by Mr. Stuart.

On the details and instruction, I was informed that the product has successfully conceded various laboratory tests – ISO and ASTM test methods. With that, I was directed again to make available 1 Drum of Viscofluid product to be used for the inauguration program in which I cannot afford it amounting to $16,000. At this time, I thought that it might be a scam or any form of fraud that’s why I exerted effort to verify the legitimacy of Silk Energy such as Business Name, Registry ID, and Office Location and it turned out to be Silk Road Energy Inc. This time I asked him why it is defferent with the given name, he clarified that is CUPID I don’t know about it.

Since I did not satified with his answer, I asked him to a refunds all the costs incurred of these transaction but not limited to i.e cost of 20ltrs of the product plus commission, office set up, 1 year payment for secretary and accountant, and health and moral damages but he replied "This will certainly make your position vulnerable".

** ********** **** ***** *** ** ******* ** **** **** ****** ** ****** ** ** * ******* ************* **** *** ***********

Jennifer – Nov 21, 2020

Are you in Canada?

Carolyn – Nov 13, 2020

I got a similar email, so did you get a refund after the payment to them?

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