Mobile Snap

Maurice –

Total money lost $115

Type of a scam Tech Support

Hi there,

I was at Mobile Snap Rideau Center to get my battery replaced on my iPhone 5S because it was near the end of it’s lifespan. When I gave them the phone everything was working perfectly. They said it would take 10 minutes to change the battery. After the battery was changed(by the manager), they said the screen could no longer display and insisted it wasn’t their fault. I can attest that they received the phone in working order. What was supposed to be 10 minutes turned into me waiting literally 9 hours from 12PM to 9PM and then an addition day because I had to return the next morning before the phone was fixed. Since this was a phone used for work related stuff as well I had no choice but to change my screen there. However I was really hesitant to give them my phone again so I brought to Apple to check. Normally Apple will not open phone with 3rd Party mods but they made an exception for me and had a look. I have attached a screen shot of the technicians comments at Apple after getting it checked. The comments mentioned how the 3rd party repairer didn’t not put things back correctly and thus I also strongly believe that MobileSnap’s manager incompetence damaged the screen on my phone. Since Apple were no longer allowed to fix it due to the 3rd party battery replacement I had to bring it back down again. MobileSnap kept trying to deflect me away and saying that it was my fault and that I had to be charged for the screen replacement which they damaged. After 6 hours have passed they have the black replacement screen but the manager who worked on my phone earlier left and someone else had to do it. I talk to their employee about the frustration and disappointment in the whole situation and said the most they could do was give me a case and screen protector. While this was not close to the amount of the screen and definitely not equatable to the damages they’ve done and time they’ve wasted, the other employees seemed to genuinely care and I accepted to let them repair the screens on that condition and because I needed it for work. Now the screen is installed but it’s defective and they don’t have the home button on properly and try to get it to work using sketchy methods which included sanding down the hardware… Never a good sign. They had to close and said I had to pick it up tomorrow. The next day I had to go back and the manager was there again. Everything was fixed and said nothing will be covered by them anymore and was being really rude. He then also took the case back and the screen protector back and said that his staff was disciplined for the kind gesture and would not give me the case and protector because he didn’t approve it. He then also said that I was lying and that I was the one who opened the iPhone and not Apple. Luckily again I have the screenshot off the iPad from an Apple employees iPad. I hope if possible to get my money back and a public apology.

According to google reviews after looking them up to see any more people had issues with them(Something I wished I did earlier) they have very bad reviews on them with people having difficulties with Mobile Snap as well.

Please help,

~ ***

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