MS Support Tech Net

Juan –

Victim Location 75254

Type of a scam Tech Support

on 1/5/18 rec’d phone call from 305.330.5089 that showed up as Marathon, FL. caller sounded as tho he were from Indai but state his name was Steve Jones. His employer ID was ATT6582 and customer service was 844.862.3896. my acct# was xxxxx. he was calling to report that "they" had been receiving complaints of spam coming from my email address. he provided my correct email address. he was talking very rapidly, saying my name every 3rd or 4th word, saying my information had been compromised. when I asked him how much this was going to cost he deflected.

unfortunately, i did give him remote access to my computer and he showed my how all my email addresses had been hacked. pointed out the numbers that showed my IP address and how this was being used.

I told Steve JOnes that I would like to change my passwords and he said someone would help me with this later. He told me all that he would help restor & how much time it would take.

He printed out all the information & sent it to me on my printer. I did provide him my bank routing number.

When we finally got down to $$$$$ I told him I could not afford either of his plans:

the temporary plan with 25 layers of protection for $600 or the permanent plan with 78 layers and lifetime protection with warranty for $999.99. He offered a senior discount of 50% for the permanent plan at $499.99. I was to send a check to: MS Support Tech Net at 7750 N. MacArthur Blvd MB# 112 Suite#120 Irving, Tx. 75063.

I asked several times how do I know you are not scamming me, Oh Miss xxxx you are accusing me and I am tryng to help you.

I figured if I called the customer support # he gave me it would be a setup.

Luckily I was able to get off the phone and consult several people and was told MICROSOFT would never contact me unsolicited and that it was a scam not to send the money.

I have been receiving more & more phone calls this week which I declined and then today a text requesting I send my check to the address listed above for services rendered.

There are several new icons on my desktop but I haven’t touched them not knowing what to do.

thank you for letting me tell my story.

Now my dilemna is how to proceed from here. I don’t feel I can trust anyone.

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