Metric Research, Inc.

Kristen –

Victim Location 75211

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Received USPS Priority Mail Express 2 Day USPS Tracking #Eva 9270 1902 0447 7100 0007 66 enclosed Letter received letter stating that I had requested to take part in a survey, to be held at to be held at Walmart in my area, objective is to evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of Walmart and Money Center Service. Below are the guideline (regarding Cashier’s Check #1670577 $1,821.00 Union Bank and Trust Lincoln Nebraska): 1.Deposit/redeem check at my bank immediately funds available in 24 hours, 2. Confirm received check by text received and processed to 571-350-0557, $300 compensation deduction, 3. Shop at store not spending more than $50.00 personal use item only, 4. Survey Money Center using Walmart o Walmart transfer service using feedback receiver name, 5. transfer receiver name Jams Garry Receiver Location Austin Texas 78708, 4. Confirm Walmart Receipt # and Walmart to Walmart Receipt #to use via via text message to 571-350-0557, 6. Receive a survey to fill out for personal shopping experience after texting, 6. Name of cashier,,etc.. 7. Perform shopping without alerting attention of employees or customers. This is a scam to have remainder funds after $300 is deducted and then I will have a presented a bogus cashier’s check. I immediately went on line to report fraud. I never asked o participate in this survey. This letter was signed Mr. Nicholas Pings Metric Research, Inc. $1,821.00-$300.00=$1521.00 left after deducting my allegedly $300.00 placing $1521.00 on a Walmart to Walmart Card.

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