Memphis Light gas Water

Isaac –

Victim Location 38134

Type of a scam Utility

Tuesday 7/30/19, apx 10:30 am. Mullins Station Baptist Church received call stating that utilities were about to be cut off. Call this # 1-800-433-2489 within 30 minutes to make payment on past due account. (that was recorded call.) When called #, spoke to person. In fact, before all was said & done I had spent almost 1.5 hours on the phone, talked to 5 different people. they were insistent that they needed cash $498.32 for 3 overdue utility bills. AND they would give me address of nearby location so I wouldn’t have to go to their office to pay. Long story short, I flat out told them we are a church, we pay our bills and they best do some research on their end because I am NOT bringing cash money to pay anything — they can just cut off the utilities. I also told him, the whole thing is a crock and I don’t care what their "system" says – the bills have been paid. They will do some research, they "put a stop on the disconnect", if I "don’t hear anything from them, everything’s ok" -"so sorry for the inconvenience" but he asked for my cell # and I gave it to him – "in case he needed more info and I couldn’t be reached at the church"… Several different names were used: first was a lady with such a strong accent I couldn’t understand her first name, last name Garcia; Jason Lopez; Anna "a manager"; Mike; "John Vargas in billing, the floor supervisor" was the last I talked to,

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