Main Street Renewal LLC Imposter

Frederick –

Victim Location 46219

Total money lost $1,025

Type of a scam Rental

I had applied for a home through Zillow, two days I was contacted by an individual from [email protected] stating the home I originally inquired about was no longer available then the person directed me to a second home.

I researched the home and found it to be legit and under Main Street Renewal website, 2 days later again a lady from the company actually called me and we spoke on the phone I thought it was another coworker who may have worked with the first agent who sent me the address prior during our conversation. She set me up with rently through an email, I went to view the home and continued contact with the 1st lady who contacted me initially.

her and I exchanged emails and texts which had the company name on the end of every email receipt, the entire month of October, around the end of October I was directed by the 1st woman to send my deposit to an account with Bank of America, I did, on a Wednesday I sent $1020.00 to Barbara Watson from Main Street renewal as stated in the email. Sunday comes I view the home and find tenants living in the home with no recollection I texted and emailed the Barbara lady as well as the email from Dawn at the Main street renewal company on 82nd. St.

The Barbara person contacted me back apologizing for the miscommunication and that their boss knows about it and will fix it.

Monday morning came I drove to Main Street Renewal on 82nd st. in the process I received an email stating that their inventory was being watched and it was a scam, so now I receive a phone call from Tyler the leasing manager telling me that dawn forwarded my email about my findings on Sunday I told Tyler I WAS ACTUALLY IN THE BUILDING, Tyler then stated that the address on the website was no longer their address and hasn’t been since August so I go a few blocks down and meet with Tyler but no Dawn, to find out I was scammed out of my money from the Barbara lady, I asked Tyler how could this be when she had the same address as the corporate office and knew every house in their inventory that was for lease, he went through all my documentation between me and dawn as well as the Barbara Watson person, Tyle mentioned the lady had prior experience as a realtor and knew were to look and how to orchestrate her scam.

Tyler told me that Main Street has their own investigative team and they work very closely with the FBI. Tyler asked me how did I initially come into contact with the scammer I told him I inquired about another home prior to the home at 2219 fairweather dr Indianapolis IN, the address I initially gave Tyler said it too had a scam on it and was rented out months ago, so I asked why is still on Zillow and it’s not listed on the website of scams on these addresses. Tyler said he would look into it and for me to get a police report. I asked am I able to get my money back he said unfortunately he doubt it, but then showed me the differences in their email and the scammers.

A week later I called the corporate office and spoke to Manny, I explained in detail the situation, Manny said Main Street renewal does not have an investigative team that works with the FBI and that all calls are monitored for quality insurance that’s it. So I explained that Tyler from Indianapolis said the inventory for the rentals are being monitored from this particular scammer. Manny told me there wasn’t anything he could do about that but if I wanted to rent a home he could help me. I said I wanted my money back and he said he couldn’t help with that either.

I went to the police and they stated that Main Street has been under investigation for awhile for scams and the office think the Dawn and Barbara are the same person and for me to not contact either parties until the investigation is over. The officer directed me to take the police report to Bank of America when I reported it to the manager he said because Im not a bank of America customer he couldn’t help me and to give his card to the officer who sent me there.

Which I did go back to the officer and delivered the card to put in my file as well as repeated the information Manny told me from corporate.

This company is aware of the scams they have on their homes but they are not updating their listings as far as what has been rented and has scams on it, which is cruel because I was scammed out of 1020.00 due to unprofessionalism and lack of respect for individuals time and money, I have lost hours at work due to stressing over this situation and been lied to in my face about this issue going to investigations through the company who doesn’t even have an investigative department.

Main Street Renewal only cares about what home is now under scam instead of correcting the correct information on these rental sites as well as their own to warm citizens of the danger out here, all that’s on their website about scams are keep all communication from the scammer and the property listed so they can cover their rear end and not even offer to reimburses me or others who may have taken a loss trying to rent one their homes. They just meet with you take your information, make copies, tell you your chance of getting your money back from a scam is none and to contact the police after lying to your face.

Since then I have contacted Tyler no response at ALL.

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