MFG Litigation

Theresa –

Victim Location 70578

Type of a scam Debt Collections

A company by the alleged name of "MFG Litigation" (MFG on caller ID) called my house and claimed that we were due in court for a backlog of payments on a card we closed with CitiBank over a year ago. They claimed that we should get our proof of closure and bring it to court, but never gave us an actual date. After doing some research and finding out they had no website and the numbers we were given amounted to nothing, my son called them back to pester them for more information; and upon asking if they were part of BBB, got extremely hostile and insulted my son, giving no true validation of the so called "court date".

They even claimed they weren’t from Louisiana, which is funny considering they were asking us to go to court IN Louisiana when their "litigation company" was based in Georgia. We have had no paper trails from CitiBank since we closed the card, which would have obviously happened before being slapped with a litigation; leading us to already assume they are indeed a scam. The number they initially called us on only rang with no answer upon calling them back, and the number SHE gave us (apparently her name is Mellisa Taylor according to her) went to a call center of sorts then quickly back to her after we asked for her.

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