Kathleen –

Victim Location 19070

Total money lost $329

Type of a scam Tech Support

I got a suspicious E-mail yesterday Oct,31 at about 4:00 pm .

It had an attachment that said I won $750,000 from Google for my G-mail account,

I called (who I thought was Google) -got the number by using Bing "Google Gmail support"

The phone number (800)334-7027 came up. I called.

The Tech asked to take control of my computer ,so I let him.

He said I had a Virus ( the Koobface virus). He said it infected my whole Network and a Virus detection program would not work. The only way to get rid of it was to have a computer network specialist work on it.

I told him ,I didn’t know any. He patched me through to MCT EXPERTS ( Phone #888-889-4330

855-717-7536/ He had control of my computer without me doing anything.He told me it would cost $329.99

that I was to write a check and a FEDEX man would pick it up on Monday Nov. 2

He downloaded some freeware virus protection and did some other things (which I don’t know what they were)

and in about an hour , he called me back and said he was done.and everything was O.K.

Once I got control of computer I looked in Documents and there were two docs. which were contracts from MCT EXPERTS both signed by me….I didn’t sign anything…

I got Micro-soft to fix my computer but I don’t know whether I am obligated to pay.

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