Meyerson Lending Firm

Sheena –

Victim Location 37167

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

applied to more than a few loan companies because I needed a loan to help out with bills and medicine payments of which I can no longer afford due to my severe RA. I received a call just after four from a woman named Jennifer Allen, which sounded legit. She said I was approved for a secured loan of THIRTY thousand dollars and to be paid over a term of ten years. Payments monthly would be $300 and to get this I have three options: get a co-signer that has a credit score of 650+ and make $65,000/ year, pay three months payments of $300 ($900 total) which would give a three month grace period and I would get the loan same day or use an item as collateral. I told her I was at work and if I can call her back. I went checking on the internet and found nothing on them, until I came to this site.

Miguel –

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I applied to more than a few loan companies because I needed a loan to help out with bills and medicine payments of which I can no longer afford due to my severe RA. I received a call just after four from a woman named Jennifer Allen, which sounded legit. She said I was approved for a secured loan of five thousand dollars and to be payed over a term of three years. Payments monthly would be $150 and to get this I have three options: get a co-signer that has a credit score of 650+ and make $65,000/ year, pay three months payments of $150 ($450 total) which would give a three month grace period and I would get the loan same day or use an item as collateral.

I told her I was at work and if I can call her back. I went checking on the internet and found nothing on them, until I came to this site. I’m in Canada, so the Canadian site had nothing. I went to the American site for California and found other people reporting the very same thing involving the same Jennifer Allen. I never sent a dollar. I check companies before acting on anything even if it seems legit.

They are very smart and try to talk you into it.

And on their site you can see under “services” it lists them and it says “Persona Loans” NOT “Personal Loans” another red flag and scam advisor said the site I have reported here is only 16 days old as of today

Glenn –

Victim Location 29506

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

They offered several different ways for me to be finally approved for the loan. One was with a cosigner so they could get that person‘s information then There was aCollateral fee of $2700 upfront and then of course there was the credit insurance that was $5700. After some research I learned that others had been scammed by this company and did not send them anything

Johnny –

Victim Location 38016

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I received a phone today before I was heading to work. I had applied to a few places for personal loans because I have hit a rough patch. I had a missed phone call from a very professional sounding woman explaining how I was approved for a loan. I called back everything sounded legit. Put in the ext number and spoke with a Jennifer Allen. I was approved for a $20,000 loan. She offered 3 ways I could receive my money. I had a co-signer that has at 650 credit score and makes at least $55,000 a year, collateral pay of $675, or I can’t remember the third option. I didn’t have anyone that qualified to co-sign or third option. She said explained to me that it’s going to take 7 days to get all the paperwork taken care and I would be given time to send my $675 collateral payment in. Once they receive the collateral payment my funds will be made available to within 1 business day. I told her the truth, go ahead and send me all the required paperwork that I would need to sign and give me the full week to investigate to see if the company is legit. She sent the paperwork and everything. I’m currently at work right now. During my down time I’ve researching this company. This company has absolutely no trail of it’s existence online what so ever. Even their address wouldn’t pull up their name. Except for the website that’s on the documents that was sent to me in the email. These people are good to the point that they really had me believing they were legit. The loan forms are legit forms, written out as if they were a legit loaning company. What was getting me, was that I couldn’t find them any where in a google search. Not even on Facebook. So, I google ways to tell if you’re being scammed. As I was reading there was a blog about checking the Better Business Bureau site. Every business dealing with lending money is supposed to by law have their info on here. I get on here and still can’t find them anywhere. Check the scam section and they’re was only one complaint about this exact company being a scam. That person actually sent them money, I do not blame that person because these people are real good. I know I wrote a book, but just trying to save someone from falling a victim, I almost became one, I’m in a desperate place and almost shelled out $675 in collateral payment, that I did not have. These people call themselves Meyerson Lending Firm.

Michelle –

Total money lost $450

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I had applied for a loan 3 days after I apply I had to send a collateral of 450 bucks to receive my loan they tell me everything’s all good I’ll receive my money in 2 hours I checked no money I called them they said we looked again and theres been a change now you need to make another 450 deposit i didn’t send it thankfully I’m only out 450 bucks heads up for this crowd your money order goes to Ontario and the loan office is in California

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