Metro Retail Shopper Inc.

Phone: +1 (602) 329-4823
Tasha – Jan 26, 2021

I was sent a text by Metro mystery shoppers Inc. They sent a link and the link lead me to a page that said:

You will receive an initial first time payment of $200 plus fees for gas for transprotation, any long mileage dine in options, They offer check by mail to your home residence and they send “extra” supposedly. This is a scam. Do NOT give them any info!

Mario – Jan 26, 2021

I also received a text message claiming they need shoppers. I googled the company and found this site on the top of the list. I am including screenshots of the text and the form the link leads to.

Scammer’s phone: 618-477-9002
Scammer’s website:
Scammer’s address: See images
Scammer’s email: See images
Country: United States
Type of a scam: Employment
Initial means of contact: Text message

Kenneth – Jan 22, 2021

Scammer’s phone 6023294823

Scammer’s website See image

Scammer’s address See images

Scammer’s email See images

Country United States

Type of a scam Employment

Initial means of contact Text message

I received a text message as follows:
Hello, A FIRM is seeking people to become Mystery Shoppers in your area, It entails going into stores as an under cover agent to carry out an evaluation of the store and then report back and earn $200 on each assignment (3x in a week making $600 weekly). For more information click on this link below and learn more TO get started, thanks!

That is a copy of the text message I received. The link took me to google forms page
This is not the first time this has happened. If you fill out the form you will get a fake check to cash. I received three of them in the past. I called the bank the check supposedly came from they said it was a fake check. I gave it to the police who said they could do nothing.

Wesley – Jan 22, 2021

I also received a text message claiming they need shoppers. I googled the company and found this site on the top of the list. I am including screenshots of the text and the form the link leads to.

Janet – Jan 21, 2021

I received a group text message including 21 other people besides me saying they are looking for mystery shoppers. They said they will mail me the first check and I keep 200$ and use the rest to “shop”. They ask for your bank account details and personal information. A real mystery shopper job will not ask for any private information! Be ware everyone!

Marc – Dec 25, 2020

They use local phone nos to gain confidence to scam. Receiving a check and then telling to do mystery shopping with the rest of the money, this message I received a few days ago. In order to show that they’re legit, they had written their name and I copied and pasted the name on Google to check and reached here! Thanks for saving people from cone artists during this pandemic

Patricia –

Victim Location 43055

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I was looking into being a mystery shopper & came across this website that didn’t want any banking information but then i get a check for $911.90 with two other names on it then the name on the package or the name on the letter.

Edwin –

Victim Location 45805

Type of a scam Employment

I was sent an email, that said reply application received (something similar). I received a check and a letter that says deposit, buy gift cards, send pictures of scratched off info via email/text. Take my fee out.

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