Joseph –

Victim Location 90505

Total money lost $22.26

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Purchased a DVD online too fast via credit card and did not realize no address or no phone number listed. Only contact was via email. After a couple of months no merchandise received, i sent many emails and no response. i did an investigation and realized this was coming from Australia and i am in Los Angeles, CA. My fault. My credit card is now on the other side of the world. I immediately cancelled my credit card. Lost was $22.00. It could have been worse.

On line shopping is very easy and convenient. Please take your time and check out where the company is located and where shipping is coming from. Also, if no address or phone number is listed go somewhere else even if it is in your city. It’s not listed for a reason. Use your brains! They are very smart and you need to be smarter and take then out of business. Good idea to get a 2nd credit card for online shopping only with a small limit and cc protection plan on it.

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