Robert Krans (A Wal-Mart Survey Assignment)

Janet –

Victim Location 35242

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

An email was sent to me saying that a Walmart mystery shopper would be paid $150. The email had Survey Monkey listed in it, and I thought this was a legitimate company because I had heard of them while exploring doing jobs from home. I replied to the email and sent them my information, also they wanted me to text a message to them which I did. A few days after I received another email saying there were Walmart survey jobs available around July 1, and I would receive a packet with my instructions. Yesterday, July 8, 2017, I received a priority mail envelope with my instructions and a check for $1,995.75 on Premier Federal Credit Union. My instructions were to deposit the check then email and call them, and they would release the funds. I was to do the Walmart survey, fill out a survey form, email them a copy of the receipt. Then, I was to send MoneyGram and Walmart2Walmart funds to two people listed they had listed. They were very specific about to handle this. I was told under no circumstance was I to tell Walmart that I was a mystery shopper and if asked if I knew the two people I was sending funds to answer YES. They also stated that there were a lot of complaints about sending money to Texas using MoneyGram and Walmart and this was what they were investigating. The paper was signed Robert Krans, Evaluation Consultant, 346-221-8550 and 323-208-9136, [email protected] I did not follow through with this scam; therefore, I haven’t lost any money. I wanted to report this scam to let others be aware of it.

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