
Marco –

Victim Location 96744

Type of a scam Tech Support

Pop up on my computer w/Microsoft screen behind. WARNING! Automated call. Your computer may be infected/your personal information may be obtained-pornographic (gist of recording) Call number w/in next 5mins. Repeated over and over. 877-480-0759

Called 11:58am Sheryl, (foreign accent) hard to talk too. Told me to go to Next screen read: Support Connection, below typed in 6 digit numbers. S. Told me go to bottom l/corner click [LMIRescue. (1)pkg. 3x tried no success, she had me do other things. Did a Force shutdown, restart my computer and type again.

Than, I spoke w/Spanky Davis in technical support. He tried walking me through similar steps but to no avail. He said my computer is most likely infected and will have problems when I open up sites. Will show pornographic pictures each time. He said for $99 one of technicians can assist me, one time fee. Will take approx. 2hrs. Or, technician can come but it will be $99 a hour till problem is fixed.

Note- he said they only supply support for Microsoft or Apple, they don’t work for them. Also, they are located on East Coast.

I told him I’d have to get back to him, my phone wa dying He told Me, call back Sherly at 844-718-1871 and she’ll connect me to him and he can get one oh his technicians to help me.

After I checked numbers on Internet on found these were scam numbers. I’m glad I checked

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