Victim Location 92014
Total money lost $43
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
Refreshed Enterprise was selling phone charging cords at the San Diego County Fair. The cords came with a piece of paper promising "Lifetime Warranty" of "the best charging cord" at Their cords seemed to work for a short time, but they didn’t charge correctly, made phones overheat, and stopped working completely after a short time. I filled out the form on their web site several times to get a replacement with no response, then started investigating. Turns out this same address used to be at least one other Refreshed business who got an F from BBB. Also others suspected this company as fraud. The phone number listed on my credit card receipt is no good. The web site has no contact info except giving them your info. I am out the money I paid for the cord, but am afraid of what other information they may have of mine, so the problem could be much bigger than "counterfeit product" as it appears they are trying to collect information by the fake warranty. If this company is legit, I would love to know it (and get my cords refunded) and I will retract all of my suspicions. However, I doubt this is the case. I would love this to be investigated and would appreciate being contacted with the results.