
Tasha –

Victim Location 60008

Type of a scam Employment

During my searches online for a job in payroll, I came across job posting by "Automatic Business Controls, LLC" a local construction company in Rolling Meadows, IL. I interviewed with a person by the name of David Koehler who claimed to be a senior executive of the construction company. He later denied me an offer for employment but instead offered me career advice and career placement services for a fee.

3 things come to mind…

1) Conflict of Interest … How can someone post a job, then deny employment, then solicit employment services? Unethically, that’s how.

2) Does this job even exist? … Generating leads for a business by offering employment for one, then denying employment, then offering services for employment by another company would be an immoral act from any angle you look at it.

3) Email Correspondences … Once employment was denied the solicitation began. When I replied with my discontent with this illegal act being performed upon me, I was responded with an email that lacked professionalism and contained much discontent towards me as a person and my discovery of his falsehood.

Let this be known, that David Koehler at posts a job for a payroll position and then after denying employment, solicited job placement services with which happens to conviniently be another company he owns.


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