Victim Location 19010
Total money lost $75
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
Not sure but the more i look the more I believe the web site is a scam.
Victim Location 73099
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
I tried to order Ray Bans for 24.99 last night and when i put in all of my card information it told me that there was a risk factor and they needed another card. I tried to purchase again this morning and the website told me the same thing. Then i called my bank and they said nothing had gone through. But i called the original true Ray Ban website and they told me that i would not get anything after i paid and that nothing was on sale for that cheap. They said once they get one of those sites shut down another one pops up. They said people will call them all of the time asking where is their purchase and they have no records of the sale because it is a fraudulent website. The dont sell the glasses ever that cheap also.