Red Blue Energy Drink

Terrance –

Victim Location 07105

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

i must have hit on some wrap your car add on face book. Now i get a text saying that i can receive $500 a week to advertise on my car. i was told that they would send a check and $500 would be mine, and the rest i would need to give to the person wrapping my vehicle. i asked the person texting me (never did give me his/her name) to send me a photo of what it would look like. when picture was received, i contacted the number for the *** place that i "would" be advertising for. They had NO idea what i was talking about. When i let the texter know this, i was advised that he/she was the ONLY person i should be talking to, and that i would be advertising for the *** spot but, he actually works for Red blue (not BULL) Energy drink. With all this texting back and forth and misspelled words by the texter, The RED FLAGS are Flying HIGH.

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