
David –

Victim Location 93710

Type of a scam Phishing

I got a phone call on 2/27/2019 from a young lady who asked if I could hear her, and I said yes, because I was on my bluetooth in my car and could not see the number very well, and the girl sounded like a friend, so I said yes. I remembered after I said yes, I had read about a scam where if you say yes, they can use your voice as an audio activation and can charge stuff to your accounts, get to your bank accounts etc… Not sure how it works but it is stressful and unsettling. I haven’t lost money yet but it just happened yesterday so I might still lose money.

Jesse –

Victim Location 98840

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Asked if I could hear her. Explained she was calling about research rewards and asked me to do a survey for a chance to win a $200 gift card.

Jaclyn –

Victim Location 77072

Type of a scam Phishing

I normally don’t pick up unknown phone call, yet since im waiting to be contacted by companies i have applied for work I picked up. I couldn’t hear what they said at first. Sounded like a buzz, so I say hello like 3 times. Woman didn’t introduce herself or where she was calling from. First thing she asked was "Hello, can you hear me?" I naturally said yes. She then said "good, you have been a lucky winner and will receive a $200 gift card to either stores: Walmart, (and she goes on to list a couple) I just then hung up. Then by someone I know that had heard me answer the call gets on me for responding and shows me the news about the "can you hear me" scam calls. I have called back the number to confirm what business was calling me, it just repeated what i was told over the phone. I called a 3rd time and said it had a couple questions, after answering them i would be called again with a representative. I didn’t stay to hear the questions, figured they were more "yes and No" questions. I called a 4th time and it said i had exceeded the amount of calls I called to that number and said Good By and hung up. I have checked my bank account, afraid that i have consented to something with out knowing what for. I hope I was just not part of a scam.

Bryce –

Victim Location 55408

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Calling once or twice a day – leaving 5 sec blank voicemail every time, will not let me unsubscribe. Have not signed up, but it won’t stop.

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