Victim Location 95348
Total money lost $500
Type of a scam Home Improvement
I got scam by an unlicensed landscaper named Russel. As well as other peoples in town. He offer to sell me grass fertilizer for 7 dollar a bag with no label and not all the way full and offer a free labor of fertilizing my front yard for free. I only wanted to buy 10 bags but as i went inside the house to get him and his crew water, they started dumping more than 65 bags of ferlizer on my yard without letting me know or give me an estimate before doing it. He came up with a bill of 455 dollars that i have to pay or else he wouldnt leave. I paid him because i dont want any problem because i have kids. So now my grass is all burned n deal he doesnt want to pick uo his phone when i tried to reach him . This person have been scamming alot of elder resident and as well other people in the central valley. And it has been on fox40 news about this scam . I just wanted my money back n let the law deal with him. He doesnt have no business license and he admitted he doesnt because he told me he charge me under 500 which is legal for no license business. If you search for "fertilizer scammer merced ca" they have exactly the story as mine. They are targeting elderly home n my home. I just want him to face the law of doing something wrong to people i dont want my money back i just want his scam to end now because not just me had been targeted n there other people as well. Thank you