Reader’s Digest Scam

Brianna –

Victim Location 63304

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

This guy keeps calling me, has called me for the last 2 months, he wanted $4000 to deliver "the gift," he said I’ve been refusing the gift for the two months online and this is my last chance to have it delivered to me, he’s said multiple times that he would deliver me my "winnings" and has never come.

Regina –

Victim Location 83709

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

we have caller id and dont pick up unknown calls person called and we did not pick up because the id said anonymous and caller then said this is the local police dept. pick up so my wife did the caller then said he was calling on behalf of readers digest and we had won second prize in one of there contests. he informed me the office to call was in ny city and gave me this number to call17674363802 and talk to a james carson ext 24. he gave me a claim #914 559 0599, he said it was for second prize and it wasnt a large amount of money.

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