I.D. Grant Claim Processing

Barry –

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

VERY professional looking envelope, waterproofed, stmped, code numbers, etc. for "security" purposes, good reproduction of a FedEx priority post type, but spelling looks more like PedEx or RedEx. The VERY professionally done letter to my name and address, with a "microfiled" file bar code explains that I have been awarded over $3 million dollars Cd. The "Assessor’s" seal and signature appear as if in ballpoint pen ink but closer examination shows it is a copy. A Form is provided by which I should send a cheque or money order or cash of $25 to claim my award. On the back of the letter, in English, German, French and Chinese is an "explanation" that this is not a sweepstakes, contest or game of chance but that they represent a variety of such. A clear explanation is NOT provided as to where the money comes from or who IS awarding it. The letter and envelope and processing all appear VERY convincing. The envelope stamp indicates it came from Prqgue, the return envelope provided by which to send the cheque is addressed to an address in the Netherlands

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