
Marvin –

Victim Location 27804

Total money lost $94.10

Type of a scam Online Purchase

This company posts elaborate ads on social media (ex. Facebook). On 11/05/15, I placed on order for a hoverboard for my daughter for Christmas. Upon checkout, I received confirmation of my order, along with the total, with shipping, which was $72.89. I later received an email confirmation stating the same total. The next day, when I checked my credit card activity, I saw that I had been charged a completely different amount, by a company called "Crown Energy". I immediately went back to the pngage to look for a phone number for Customer Service. I found no number, just an email for customer service, saying all questions and concerns would be answered within 24 hours. As of today, I have received NO hoverboard, and have sent a total of 6 emails to customer service, with no response. I also filled out info on a link provided on the website titled "ask for a refund"….again with no success. TOTAL RIP-OFF!

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