Victim Location 48144
Type of a scam Other
On November 4, 2016, "Wendy Lydia Wilson" texted me indicating she found me on and needed a home stager for their apartment on Friday after Thanksgiving; they were moving from the UK. They asked for me to e-mail them; I did; we exchanged a few e-mails. Her e-mails were pretty detailed with information on what they needed and what they were having delivered. After finding out what area I lived near, she gave me an actual address in Detroit to where they were moving; I googled it, the building does exist. After I realized it was fishy, I e-mailed back (November 6) stating that I could not take the job. They continued e-mailing me (even though I never responded) and even talked about payment (which we never even discussed). They indicated they were sending me payment on November 14th and gave me directions of only taking $300 of the $2,960.32 check and the balance would be given at completion of job, but that I was to take a picture of my deposit or ATM slip to show them I received/deposited the check (see e-mail below with the instructions I received); I never received the check. However, Friday December 3, 2016, I received a Priority Mail 2-Day envelope with a check for $2,960.32 from South Shore Title, Inc., 12798 W Forest Hill Blvd., Ste 105B, Wellington, FL 33414 with nothing else inside, shipped from James Roerig c/o Disney Store, in Orlando (see picture). This past Saturday (December 3), I received a text from "Ms. Wilson’s husbands secretary, Barbara Johnson," asking if I received payment. Again, I did not respond to that text nor to the second one they sent four hours later.
The last e-mail I received on November 14th:
From: "lydia wilson"
Date: Nov 14, 2016 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: Interior Decorating
To: "Sharon Schaffer"
my husband just told me that his secretary has sent your check and will be delivered today 14th November. the check sent is $2,960.32, you can only take part of your allowance from it now which is $300 then you will be balanced on our arrival. and have the rest $2,660 sent for the delivery of the remaining items to the delivery representative.the details of the representative will be provided for you as soon as i have it.Once you receive the check, you will deposit it,via ATM or Mobile deposit and provide me with a snapshot of the deposit receipt or slip then wait for it to clear.