Hasan Bilal Kilincel

Miguel –

Victim Location 77086

Total money lost $661

Type of a scam Romance

I am victim of a scam by Hasan Bilal Kilincel. He broke my phone and owes hundreds of dollars that he asked to borrow or used from my account without permission. The total is $461 not including the phone he broke which I had to replace for $200.

He approached me romantically, asking me to participate in projects. He began persistently asking me to help fund these projects and to lend money he would promise to return. He later asked for other favors. In the beginning, he did pay back but refused to overtime. He was very manipulative, controlling, aggressive and verbally abusive. He claimed each request was an emergency and said no one else could help because he had no one.

His aggression and verbal abuse worsened overtime despite his excuses and reassurance that things would change. He would leave, but write me again with another request whenever he needed favors or money. In one of the instances, he asked me to send money through a cash app but then told me it did not go through and to send it to another account in his name. The same transaction was also sent to PayPal. It was supposed to be one transaction but he accepted payment multiple times instead of cancelling the transactions which he claimed had not went through.

He would continue to say terrible insults and use triggers to hurt me, which included laughing at my past trauma, blaming his wrongdoings on substance abuse. The same actions continued.

His anger had gotten so out of control that he would continuously initiate fights. He would invite me to see him but then snap and begin threatening to call the cops and "ruin my life." This happened on several occasions that anxiety he triggered worsened. I would have panic attacks and fear for what he would do. He would push me, scream at me, threaten me. He would grab my phone and in some cases type in my password to continue threatening me with the cops to make it seem as if I was there uninvited and trespassing although he invited me. I have been advised to change my passwords on multiple occasions in case he had access.

He ended the relationship abruptly and violently again soon after asking to borrow money for bills, still having owed me money from before. He did not speak to me after about the loans and cut contact. He did not have any interest in my health which was affected by his crash. I tried to communicate about this but he lied saying he will pay "as soon as possible." He did not, instead he made multiple excuses and finally told me he would not pay months later. After the relationship was done, he also had used my PayPal through an app without my permission, and denied it when I reached out to him about it. I stated the details of the transaction and he then admitted to seeing a charge but refused to pay it back and insulted me.

I tried communicating to find resolutions. However, I do not think he is honest and I do not believe he will pay anything back. I did what I could to try resolving the issue with my bank and with him each time. He is very manipulative and I hope that this will not happen again to anyone else. He used fear, guilt, psychological abuse, to keep me quiet and allow him to keep taking from me. I know he targets girls who are younger, more impressionable, and are students, so I am sharing my experience in case it can be prevented.

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