
Darryl –

Victim Location 07201

Total money lost $3,100

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was trying to find a puppy for my sister and came across these beautiful pomeranian and the price was great",guess too good to be true" innthis case!!! They told me home delivery 610.00 so we bought two and then a couple hours later get an email that the puppies are stuck in Nevada and need to put a refundable 2000 dollar insurance on them even sent a link to a shipment website all fake btw so I got another email that they’re headed to final destination but another state check point and they’ll need another 1900.00dollars to do their own security check and insurance again so at this point I finally realized this was a scam and called the person’s bluff and they still tried to talk me into this is not a scam I’m reliable for them and if they’re abandoned it’s a 10.000 dollar fine so he can help and pay half and I can play him back after the pups are cleard,how insane is that!!!!

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