
Mallory –

Victim Location 90242

Total money lost $60

Type of a scam Online Purchase

This is a woman that has a shop on Shopify and sells turbans. She uses her instagram platform as a way to get customers.

Placed two orders August 2019 and paid in full. It is now November 19,2019 and I have not received my orders. I have contacted her several times asking a refund and she keeps trying to convince me that she will send my orders. I keep getting excuses that she’s moving or homeless, having personal issues. I noticed the a lot comments on her post are customers complaining that they never received anything or that she deletes or ignored there messages. I read a comment on one of her posts from Instagram that there that there order was never received And it dated all the way Back to JANUARY 2018. I digged more into her older posts of 2016 and turns out she’s been doing this for years now. Her old shop closed but has now opened up a new one with Shopify and still continues to offer people discounts, bundles and selling to other people VIA Instagram.

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