Victim Location 79424
Total money lost $2,500
Type of a scam Home Improvement
This individual goes by Gerardo Puga or Jerry Puga. He gives the impression he is a licensed contractor. I found the hard way he is not licensed to do anything. His construction company is not licensed. We made the mistake of not checking references & licenses before we hired him. He started working on the inside remodel of a house we were to about to move into. Things started good in the beginning but quickly he had "family emergencies" and always had excuses not to return. We even prayed for his family member thinking he was a good person who was experiencing a serious illness in his family. We had given him money in advance he said was to "pay his people" but we only saw 1 person in our home. Our house had plastic hanging everywhere & powder from blowing texture all over the place. We finally had to move in the house with nothing finished. We had to find other people to help us with immediate needs but still have portions of home not finished. We asked Mr. Puga several times to please come meet with us so we could review what still needed to be done. He would agree to come and even set a time. He never showed up. Since he wouldn’t face us in person, we texted him we wanted money back & gave him a date to comply. He never gave us our money back. He never finished the job for which he was hired. Beware of this person. He will ask for more money for supplies or to "pay his people" but beware of this scam. He was not a trustworthy or reliable person. We have no choice but to make sure he doesn’t do this to other people. We will address this in the courts.