Tommy –

Victim Location 30294

Type of a scam Identity Theft

I purchased tickets for a concert in Atlanta and and advertisement from Great Funds Rewards came on to offer a $30.00 rebate for future tickets purchase which would be sent to me via email that I never recieved. There was a $1.00 intial fee and $16.99 monthly fee if you remained in the program after 8 days i called the customer service number and inquired about the rebate since i never got it asked the representative to resend the email while on the line with me and she tells me she isn’t allowed to be on the phone too long for an inquiry. Mary asked me for my address and i told her i want it sent via email as i was told so i could get tickets to the Alvin Alley concert in Atlanta GA . I agreed to wait on the email to arrive and call back within 5 minutes. i called back I spoke with someone name johnathan which i believe are not their true names and he told me it takes 24 to 72 hours for the emails to be sent. I believe this is a scam and for every customer they scam they are getting $1.00 from each customer. I usually get the red flag warning but because of the website i used to purchase my tickets I don’t think they would allow their customers to be scammed. Please investigate this company and let me know if they are ligitimate. Thank you my contact number is ***

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