Household Logistics

Crystal – Jul 10, 2020

Victim Location 49010

Total money lost $1,500

Type of a scam Moving

Just so you know this was one of the worst moving experiences I’ve ever had.

First off, during our conversation I told the company right off that another moving company had done a site visit and estimated just over 1000 cubic feet. They convinced me it was less than 700 and—of course—we ended up paying for closer to the other companies estimate. OK…so I should have been smarter and they are trained to take advantage of people’s stress. But then it just gets right into worse:

1. No one said it could take up to 21 days to get our things until after we signed the contract. Maybe it’s in the fine print…if so I think their documents writers are savvy enough to know this information should be part of the first conversation…NOT after the contract is already signed. So where are people supposed to sleep while waiting? Hotels!? Cafes to eat? That’s crazy! No one thinks that’s even a possibility when hiring a moving company!

2. Their on site guy did not listen when I told him several times we were taking our own lamps, our own bedding, and pointed out exactly what we wanted them to take. So because I had to leave and left another household member in charge, they went ahead and packed huge boxes full of stuff I told them to leave. Example: a large lampshade which took up one large box. They charged us for packing it, plus the cubit feet it took up equaled nearly $20.00 extra. This is just one sample of over 20 boxes which I had told them not to pack.

3. The On Site guy said he was revising the estimate but it would be a high estimate. But of course he was giving us a low estimate in order to get me to go along. Especially since I kept saying we could haul a bunch of our own stuff if need be so we could adjust the load.

4. We were told there would be a 24 hour notice before delivery …there was not. After them picking up our things June 26, on July 6, we were called and told they would be here in about 4 hours. We also were not told that—although we made our original payments (2 of them) by credit card, the final payment would only accept cashiers check, money order, or cash! Since they didn’t get here till after 6 pm, I believe this was a deliberate attempt to gouge more money by stating they couldn’t deliver the shipment because we did not have cash. We were finally able to make a payment through our bank at which time they commenced to unload. By now, it was starting to get dark and items were strewn in the yard.

5. Several of our irreplaceable items were severely damaged during the move. My unique dining table has a huge gauge with a chunk of the top torn right off. We are missing items. We have one suitcase full of items which are not ours along with a box of keepsake items which must be very precious to someone since there was a funeral announcement for what looked like someone’s mother or grandmother.

Because they didn’t finish unloading until well after dark and since the truck they were sent out with didn’t have a working lift it took longer for the unload and we had no real chance to examine every item. This morning I noticed a huge nick in the buffet that matches my table.

We were given papers to sign after dark stating that all of our things had arrived in good shape…many of our things are missing.

I have made written and voice mail complaints to their customer service department; to the original contact through email, and the only response from them was one voice mail telling me their "Shipping Company" would be in touch. Meanwhile…where is our stuff?

What am I supposed to do with my damaged furniture?

Taking advantage of people during stressful times is bad enough but taking advantage of old people in their 70s trying to retire is pretty much beyond nasty.

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