Horizon Solutions

Nicolas – Aug 10, 2020

Victim Location 72120

Type of a scam Credit Cards

This company called me and claimed that I owed HSBC bank from 10 years ago. I did not give them any of my personal information, but the date of birth they had for me was incorrect. They claimed that if I did not pay the $700 today, then I would be served with papers at my place of work or my home. They said that HSBC had already tried to withdraw the money from my bank account but was unable to do so. I contacted the court for the county I live in, and they did not have any paperwork that had been filed. I also contacted HSBC Bank and they did not have any information for anything I owed them either. This Horizons Solutions company was very rude on the phone with me, and when I asked for them to send me the information of where I opened this account, they said I would have to talk to the judge in court and they hung up on me.

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