Victim Location 07008
Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief
The call came over my caller ID as Greentree Services regular number, 1800 643 0202, but the message tells you that you can speak to someone direct at 202-239-1204, Red flag here because Ditech took over Greentree more than a year ago!. When you call their number a thick indian accent person answers the phone (red flag number 2) and asks for your loan number. I state I dont have a loan number (i always do this because i want to see if they will identify me by other means) the connection is so very poor, and he starts reading me rhetoric as if he is reading off a cue card about i have been selected for a one time modification deal, yet he THEN asks me how much I would want to pay, Red Flag #3, if it was that simple my mortgage would be $5 a month. He then give the amount of $800 for the next three months beginning in July 1st but the payment must be GIVEN NOW! I asked why am i being offered this over the phone, and why do i have to pay NOW! i have never been contacted like this before and i have lawyer’s why haven you contacted them.i dont have 800. He immediately switches me to a Jeffrey Hamilton who BTW offers to call me back (on my land line)…why I dont know, i let him, and now the line is crystal clear and so is his diction. . he gets angry with my questions and hangs up stating i can call back and identify him or have my lawyers call and have a nice day. Wait i thought this was a one time deal. I call Ditech, no such person, i tell them everything whats scary is they knew my address and they knew i was going through a modification…thank god i know this type of measure is NOT performed over the phone but through the mail. and my mortgage holder is not greentree ditech.. I alerted my mortgage company and now im alerting the BBB fraud/scam unit!