Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Bryan –

Victim Location 90731

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

5:21am *** *** Congratulation!!!! Your reference Number HGT-656423


Congratulation!!!! Your reference Number HGT-656423


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

You Welcome to Give Away PowerBall


Ple[censored]d while I confirm your reference number ..


… 5:24am *** ***I cant believe I won and this isnt a scam


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Congratulations!!! Reference Number confirmed


This is Not a scam we are Company


… *** *** 5:31am *** *** wow if this is true you just made my day, Im disable and live off 998.00 month


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Check out our Beneficiary’s comments on our page


Do you want cash or Check ?


… *** *** 5:32am *** *** when do I expect to recvd it ? cash pls


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

10hours From now


You want cash or Check?


… *** *** 5:34am *** *** do you know what estimation taxes will be on this I want to pay this off right away




so 5:00 pm today?


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972



… *** 5:35am *** *** I still wont believe it until I see it lol


I cant thank you enough


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Finally,You have to pay $250 for Case file fee ,Label fee and the shipping fund,so Fedex can bring the money to Your door step in the next 10 hours from now..


… *** *** 5:36am *** why cant you withhold the 250.00 from the winnings


I wont pay any money up front, plus I dont have the 250.00


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

We are not Authorised to do so because once you have your money you will have to count write us to make sure it complete


The Money your are sending is not for us


Is for the FedEx


… *** *** 5:38am *** *** what if you send me ck then instead of cash


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

In America you don’t pay when you win


So the Money you are paying if for the FedEx Carrier


… *** *** 5:40am *** *** Im in america


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Once your payment is being Confirmed you will get your Package deliver to your Doorstep 10hours from now


… *** 5:40am *** *** I know for a fact that to send a ck from S.F doesnt cost 250.00


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

I know you are in America that is the reason why I tell you that


… ***  5:41am ***I only live 8 hrs from S.F


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

If you are ready to proceed let me know


I will forward you the FedEx regional cashier details


You can send it through Money Gram or Western union !!


Once the payment is being Confirmed we are going to Send it to them together with your details and you will get your money 10hours from now


No Delay


… *** 5:43am *** *** Let me call BB see if this is a scam, Im sry not to believe you because there so many scams. And being disable thats alot of money for me. Do  you have a phone # and the name your bussiness goes under?


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Let me know if you want to proceed I have other Beneficiary’s to talk to




… *** 5:45am ***what if I fly up there to get it?


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

You are Welcome Ma’am


You can come and get it


We are Located at San Francisco!!!


Are you proceeding or not I have other Beneficiary’s on Hold waiting for me to reply ?


… *** 5:47am *** Ok I will drive up there todaywhat is your address


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

You mean you will be coming to San Francisco ?


… *** *** 5:48am *** yes


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972



Let me forward you our address


… *** 5:48am *** so I wont have to pay the 250


how late are you open


are emailing me the address?


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

1 San Francisco 820 Dubuque Avenue

South San Francisco, CA 94080


… *** *** 5:56am *** *** so I wont have to pay the 250 right, I will be flying up there this morning


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

When you are coming don’t forget to take Your reference number along




The $250 we asked you to pay is for the FedEx to bring it your Doorstep


But since you said you will be coming yourself there is nothing to worry about


Because most of our Beneficiary’s please the FedEx fee than Paying for flight ticket that will cost them much that is the reason why we work with the FedEx company


… *** *** 6:00am *** ok who do I ask for when I get there?


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

When you get there Ask anybody You want to claim your Winnings provided that your u have your reference number with you !!


If I were you I will Proceed on here because we have alot of people on here claiming there Winnings


… *** 6:02am *** *** one more question how did I win this? is it through facebook? I have never heard of powerball works that way


Im claiming it I will book my flight now


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

We pick randomly And your profile was selected !!!


… *** *** 6:04am *** *** ok I will see you in 4 hrs


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972



… *** *** 6:04am *** *** ty so much


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

You are welcome


… *** ***6:05am *** *** do you have a phone#


in case I get lost


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

But if where you I will make use of the FedEx


Am telling you this as a lady


Because we have alot of people here


Claiming Winnings


Probably you might no get answered today because the Numbers of people we already have here are much


… *** *** 6:06am *** *** why would it matter if I fly up there it would be so much cheaper for me


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Am not concern about you flying or not


… *** *** 6:07am *** ***I can fly up there for under 100.00 my sister live in S.F


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

Am telling you the fact that we have a lot of people down here


And they got Numbers


Because we give numbers as you come


… *** *** 6:08am *** *** I already told you I will claim it and come down there.


have pack will see you in 4 hrs


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

You welcome


… *** ***6:12am *** *** what is your email


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

I don’t think you need that


You got the reference number ba and the address ma’am


… *** *** 6:12am *** *** ok see u in 4 hrs




Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972


Give Away PowerBall online Agent GEN Nancy Pelosi Ref No006BLX935WC972

You can’t see me


… *** *** 6:13am *** *** ok


Seen 6:13am

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