Employment Email

Joe –

Victim Location 12801

Type of a scam Employment


?a?k?g? ?r???ssing ??n?g?r

Primary Res?onsabilitie:

• B?ing ?t r?siden?e during the d?liv?r? of p?cks to y?ur h?me fr?m 8A? till 5PM;

• ?ak? the arti?l? and ?x?mine for visible faults;

• ?ak? 4-5 pi?tur?s of the d?liver?d g?ods ?nd l?ad th?m int? a op?rating web ??n?l;

• Print Prepaid Jurisdi?ti?ns Postag? lab?l ?nd s?nd th? p?r??l in 3 h?urs aft?r th? addition of ship?ing lab?l fr?m the closest post offic? USPS ?r Fed??;

• U?lo?d a pictur? of the inv?i?? ?f post ?ffice shipping in a working w?b ?anel.


• ? v?lid US ID c?rd ?r DL;

• Apro?im?tel? 15 squ?re feet of fr?? s????;

• ?t l??st 21y/?;

• ??si? knowledg? ?f ?C, Internet, ?-m?il;

• K?? kn?wledg? of Mi?r?soft ?ffi?e or Op?n ?ffi??;

• A digital camera ?r ? scann?r;

• Pre?isi?n ?f ?om?l?ting j?bs.

Salar?, Bonuses and B?n?fits:

• Gu?r?nte?d s?l?ryof $2700 p?r month, regardless of the numb?r ?f p??ks ;

• Reimburs?ment f?r ?x??ndabl? offic? su?pli?s, gas?lin? ??p?nses ?nd maintenanc? of v?hicles;

• P?ym?nt is don? by ?ny of th? methods: W?st?rn Uni?n, Che?k, ??nk Transfer, PayP?l.

?? b?gin working with us and r?c?iv? ?dditi?nal inf?rmati?n on it, ?lease resp?nd to this ?-mail ?nd I will f?rw?rd ??u ?ur employm?nt pa??rw?rk for r?view, and ho??fully ??u will b? able to start working with us.

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