Victim Location 06450
Type of a scam Identity Theft
People with foreign bank accounts need to report them to the IRS. This can only be done on line as an FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report). Unfortunately, when you search for an FBAR, this site shows up instead of the Treasury website. It looks like the treasury website and uses the same forms. It wasn’t until they asked for a credit card, that I realized my mistake. Now they have all of my personal information (including my foreign bank account) and are blocking my access to certain websites, such as my bank. Fortunately, the bank picked up that they were being redirected before I did. This is a real mess. Be VERY careful. Going back I can now see things in small print such as the cost of $195. Since it looked like the real website, I skipped over the small print to the big APPLY button. Never again.
Victim Location 91789
Type of a scam Tax Collection
I went to the website: to file my FBAR. It was the first "hit" on a Google search. The IRS uses a different web address for this filing than "" so it takes a search to find it on Google. The website looks extremely close to the location used by the IRS and I didn’t check it carefully enough. My foolish mistake! I filled out the application online just as you do with the IRS. It was only when I got to the end and they asked for my credit card and money, that I realized my mistake. I submitted my social security number and personal information before I got to this point, but quickly exited without giving them payment information. The company sent me a follow-up email asking for payment, so I know they have all my information in their files. I feel sick about my stupid mistake, but it’s too late to rectify it. I feel they are a scam operation.