Victim Location 28213
Type of a scam Employment
Submitted my resume National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) as a member. On August 18, 2016 I received an email from Anne Bastian that her company got my resume from the NABA and that they were recruiting for various positions for working from home. I contact the said Anne Bastian via email on the same day. She asked me to register Google hangouts where she will conduct the interview. I was interviewed for the position of senior accountant, which she said would pay $48 per hour. After the interview the said Anne Bastian got back to me the following day and told me that I had passed the interview and that I have the job. I received employment letter, which they asked me to sign and return with Fed tax deductions and a copy of my driver’s license. The said Anne Bastian said Liberty Financial Pty Ltd will provide all the equipment and the software that I would need for the work and that a check of 44,848.77 would be sent to me the following day (which was a Friday) by FedEx to purchase the equipment from a company she would direct me to. She said as soon as I get the check I should get on Google Hangout and she will direct me. The check did not arrive on Friday, so the said Anne Bastian, called me on Saturday at about 10:32 AM to find out why I did not call her. I told her the check did not come and so I did not feel like I should call her. She sent me the tracking number and when I tracked the mail, I had a feedback that the mail has been requested back by the sender. The said Anne Bastian contact me again via Google Hangout and told me that she did not know why FedEx could not deliver just a simple mail. Immediately I started feeling unease about the all thing. There and then I start research on BBB to see and there I realized that similar issue has happened to others.
Victim Location 13492
Type of a scam Employment
Was contacted with a job opportunity and they wanted me to complete all paperwork with social security numbers, drivers license, address, bank account and so on. Then they wanted me to wire them almost $800 for materials.