Diamond Consulting

Kristi –

Victim Location 08751

Type of a scam Employment

Diamond Consulting offered a paid consulting internship (via a job board) with promise of all expense paid business trips, ball game tickets and VIP networking opportunities. It turned out to be door to door sales where pay is 100% performance based and business expenses are considered tax deductible. What looked like a quality college internship has turned out to be a false veneer on door to door sales where I am not gaining and consulting and marketing skills. Also, the company website they sent to me in an email, http://www.diamonddirectives.com/, contains no addresses, no names, no locations or phone numbers. There are no emails either. Further, the phone number I initially used to contact them for my first interview (which did work) was attained only after searching on multiple search engines. The phone number for "Diamond Consulting" is (267)-455-0833. This is the phone number I used to contact "Diamond Directives" and was also contacted by them from that number. The individual I spoke with most, was reluctant to give me his last name until I specifically asked for it twice. He finally told me his name is Ram Dhar.

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