Diamond Eshop LLC

Desiree –

Victim Location 32211

Type of a scam Employment

I worked for them for about a month, got a lot of packages from them, but on the time to get payed they went blank, I called numerous times they told me I would get it, waited about a week and all the sudden lost contact with them over the phone, through email, and the website went down so I knew something was fishy. Do not let them take advantage of you. Scammers.

Cara –

Victim Location 38115

Type of a scam Employment

My boyfriend received an email from someone named Pamela ([email protected]) on March 19, 2018 stating that his CV had been reviewed. The email offered him a position at Diamond Eshop and directed him to the application to fill out. A Google Docs about the job and company was also in the email. First, I thought it was strange how the job was recruiting but I proceeded to fill out the application for myself instead. My boyfriend wasn’t seeking a work from home job, but I was. I filled out the application on March 19, 2018 and made a username and password for the shipping system. Shortly, received an email about how my application was being reviewed by the HR department of the company and that I would be contacted within 24 hours via email or phone. The next day I received an email prompting me to log into the shipping system at https://cp.diamond-eshop.us/. In the shipping system I received my first message form my supervisor Betty Price stating that I was in the hiring process. I had to complete an Employee Agreement and W-4 provided in the shipping system. I completed these forms and received another message in the shipping system that I was employed with the company and that my forms had been sent off to the accounting office. The message was filled with details about the job tasks and duties that I would perform which consisted of: receiving packages, inspecting them, scanning/uploading the invoices, printing the labels from the shipping system, and shipping the box off. The monthly salary for completing these tasks was $2000. I was also told to upload a photo ID/DL and utility bill through the shipping system to validate my home address. Then, I was asked to provide my banking information (account and routing #) for direct deposit purposes. On March 21, 2018 I was set for a two-week training which didn’t really consist of anything. The job was pretty much straight-forward. My first package arrived on March 22, 2018 and I’ve been receiving and shipping packages ever since.

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