I have had the same experience as the other people above. I was looking for a bike for my 7 yr old autistic son. Came across degatus as one of the top 10 sites to purchase a bike. Everything about it looked legitimate even the price of the bike I was buying. They use PayPal as a backing so I knew I could trust it. Well I got no confirmation email and when I went to contact the the website is gone and email is sent back as no longer valid. Guess I have to contact Paypal to get my money back.
Victim Location 20882
Total money lost $117.98
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I was looking for childrens bikes to purchase online. The website Degarus.com popped up. Its website makes it look legitimate and it appears to be a bike shop in California. I purchased 2 bikes for a total of $117.98. I paid through PayPal and upon clicking on "Return to merchant" it returned me to the general front page of Degatus.com. So I did not get an order confirmation or order number. I checked my email and there was never an email from the website either. (I am writing this 10 days later and there still has not been an email.) I called their 800 number and it’s a pre-recorded message that sells you unrelated items. I contacted them twice by email with no response.
However the payment through PayPal went through. In PayPal it shows up as Jiayuan Ren with an email of [email protected] It says it shows up on the credit card statement as NIELARENG20 so nowhere does it say Degatus. It’s a total scam. They took my money and there was never an order confirmation, communication or product.
Victim Location 98375
Total money lost $47.99
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I was looking Google for a bike to get for my daughter. Degatus was listed with a bike that had a very good, but not unusual, price. I looked through their website and it looks like a very legit website with refund and exchange policy and decided to purchase the bike. I also trusted the website because the website uses paypal. Unfortunately after making the account and paying with paypal, I was never redirected back to the website. Apparently, my account with them still exists. Paypal confirmed that the payment went through but it went to an email that is nowhere listed on the website and I have recieved no information about my purchase from Degatus except for the info that I created an account. If I go to my account in the website, it still shows the item in my cart. When I call the 1(800) number on the website it either sends me to a phone sex deal, or it tells me that I am unable to contact this number from my location, or something that has to do with people 50 and over.
Victim Location 06320
Total money lost $44.99
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I have been looking online for a bike for my son. I cane across a deal that was to god to be true. I should have done more research but I was impulsive and just decided to purchase the bike, because I had seen the the seller used paypal. Unfortunately after making the account and paying with paypal, I was never redirected to the website and my account didn’t exist. Paypal confirmed that the payment went trough but noting else from the website. I then call the 1(800) number on the website and it went to something that had to do with people 50 and over.