
Wesley –

Victim Location 45150

Total money lost $70

Type of a scam Online Purchase

They seem to say they are a legit phone unlocking company and can unlock iphones which are not reported lost or stolen.

My phone was purchased brand new although locked to networked i wanted it unlocked. Their website say they can unlock for $28 which turn out to be a pre-order which they do not disclose the full price and then they say to get it unlocked since they found out its unlockable i need to pay additional $ 42 dollars for a total of $70. Upon paying it took them 5 days to reply back saying phone unlockable as its reported lost or stolen with no proof that its lost or stolen as i have already activated it with apple. If it was a lost or stolen phone i should not be able to activate with apple and get its warranty.

Upon checking other reviews after this incident it seems this is normal procedure for this company and something needs to be done to warn future customers.

Maggie –

Victim Location 11368

Total money lost $150

Type of a scam Online Purchase

they show $30 unlocking price and after the order they say you need to pay $80, more or your $30 droller in drain. Perfect bait and switch. Their website design is a deception based, they will show the lower price to lure you in and after that they will hold the initial payments hostage and will respond saying we will not provide the service/no refund until you provide 3 time more money payment. You can find lot reviews saying they dint receive any service even after paying the more money. Also they manipulate the online reviews to show only positive reviews.

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