Victim Location 80109
Total money lost $20,000
Type of a scam Home Improvement
The owner of KC Cabinetry, Craig Cruz, is a crook, a liar and an apparent con artist. He took approx $17,000 of our money on what he said was a 3 month project to renovate most of our house, and after stringing us along with lies for 3 months, he still had no schedule, no work plan, no permits and had done little more than demo. The very small amount of work that he did do before abandoning the project, he did without getting an approved design or even a permit and much of the work had to be re-done by a replacement contractor. After making excuse after excuse to avoid doing the work, he ultimately took the position that he could not do any other work until we made another even larger payment — even though he subsequently acknowledged, in writing, in at least two documents that he never provided the services we already paid for with our first payment. He then started behaving unprofessionally and made misogynist attacks, apparently hoping to get us to terminate like the first BBB complainant so that he could avoid doing any more work. When we instead attempted to work through things cooperatively since he already had our money, he ran out of lies and excuses not to do the work so he terminated the contract without cause and refused to return any portion of our money. And unfortunately that wasn’t the end of the nightmare. After we told him that we would be suing him to get our money back, he further delayed our project with the false promise that he would do work to earn the money he kept, which turned out to be just another lie to string us along.
In the end, Craig Cruz took approx. $17K of our money, abandoned our project, delayed our project over 5 months causing us to incur additional expenses and behaved in a way that was both personally threatening and misogynistic. Given his behavior on this project and on the other projects that are subject to BBB complaints, we are concerned that he may be conducting something similar to a Ponzi scheme, where he signs up new "investors" and uses their money to pay for work for other investors that he’s strung out for months because — although we paid him close to $17,000, he did not seem the money to go forward with the work. Regardless of whether it’s a Ponzi scheme, he appears to be committing fraud by soliciting payments for work that he has no intention of performing as agreed. In total, we have lost over $20,000 including the original payment and additional expenses incurred while we were being strung out as part of this scam.