Victim Location 70506
Total money lost $787
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
Got from a phone call
Name was "Consumer Solutions"
Phone number shown: 1-800-203-0562
Their promise was that if I paid $$4.95 for
the voucher and $2.87 for shipping that
I would recieve a voucher (by email) for
$200.00 for Walmart, Best Buy and
My common sense didn’t kick in even
though it sounded too good to be true.
I paid the $7.87 by email back to the
message on 01/11/18. I called them
this morning, 01/24/28 and was told
I had the wrong number. when I tried
calling back my call was blocked.
Victim Location 23238
Type of a scam Phishing
Offered me $200 – $300 of free shopping coupons to "major" stores if I would provide my credit card and they would only charge me $6.23 to mail the package of coupons to me. Gave them a fake name that they pretended to look up. Called from my office number to hide my number but they said they looked me up by my number. I asked for their web address. Said they did not have a website but were located in Clearwater, FL. I asked how I could verify them, they wanted to give me another phone number to call. They said I was protected by consumer laws that only allow them to charge the amount they told me on the phone, as long as I provided my credit card number. I hung up.