Community Health

Misty –

Victim Location 41015

Type of a scam Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare

A woman identifying herself as Marie from Community Health located in Louisville KY called my home number, spoke to my wife, asking to make an appointment to review changes in Medicare medical benefits. I was not home, but called back at 859 448-5019.

Marie asked if morning or afternoon would be better for their rep, who she identified as Phil Anderson, to visit us and review the information. She would not respond to specific questions about the coverage, claiming that Phil Anderson is a licensed agent and she is not. I informed her that I prefer to meet Mr. Anderson at his office and was told that he only meets people in their homes. And, Mr. Anderson does not make specific date appointments, only general mornings or afternoons, comes to the door, and leaves if there is no response.

When I asked for more information, like their street address, I was told that they do not give it out for "security reasons." The of Louisville informed me that they are aware of this scam in their area. I was concerned that Marie had enough personal information to target me.

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