Warranty Department

Joanna – May 20, 2020

Victim Location 48105

Type of a scam Phishing

Daily robocalls/sometimes human calls. If a human they can’t get the make nor the model of the vehicle right. As soon as I refuse to give personal information they hang up. Did not attempt to take money but we just didn’t get to that point.

Tommy – Apr 02, 2020

Victim Location 91710

Type of a scam Other

I continuously receive phone calls from the same numbers in which I have informed them to take me off their call list, they say they are different businesses but will not disclose company information. Numbers are 909-352-5473/72/70. Only last 2 digits change which is a coincidence if they are different businesses.

They call daily and will not list when told to not call.

They are trying to get me to buy extended warranty on my vehicle for over $3000, total scam.

Dawn – Mar 30, 2020

Victim Location 83642

Type of a scam Phishing

I have recieved numerous calls with the same recording

Russell –

Victim Location 50312

Type of a scam Identity Theft

I got a robocall regarding my cars warranty expiring and it asked if I wanted to speak to a representative. I said YES as I wanted to alert them that they were calling my cell phone without permission.

After saying yes, the line hung up.

Margaret –

Victim Location 27539

Type of a scam Phishing

Auto Warranty Extension

Misty –

Victim Location 20120

Type of a scam Utility

Robotic Message stating "This is Allison, from the warranty department. Your warranty is about to expire"

Brandi –

Victim Location 84604

Type of a scam Debt Collections

they call 2-6 times a day stating that my warranty is up and they can help cut costs on credit card debt. i don’t have a warranty or credit card debt. i have asked to be taken off their list but them keep calling. sometimes up to 10 times a day.

Albert –

Victim Location 29649

Type of a scam Other

I keep getting calls on my cell phone from "This is Allison from the warranty Department" I just hang up at this point. I have tried to block the number and a few days later I get the call again from a different 864-323 number. This have been going on for almost a year. I have not been a victim of anything as I have not fell for any of the tactics and I just hang up. But the amount of times they call is ridiculous and so frustrating.

Tommy –

Victim Location 97478

Type of a scam Phishing

Automated call from various numbers. When answered they state, Hi this is Alison from the warranty department. We recently send you a final notice….. then asks if you want to get more information about obtaining a warranty. When you say no, they hang up. These calls come in almost daily and it’s highly annoying as they look like local cell phone numbers.

Bridget –

Victim Location 27704

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

My husband and I are receiving many calls, in English and Spanish, trying to get a phone payment for an extended warranty on our car. Stating that it has expired and without immediate payment it won’t be able to be reinstated. There is no company name. The initial message (recording/computer) is always with a person with an American accent but as soon as it connects to a “representative” it’s always someone with an Indian accent. The representative I spoke to was obviously not working for a real company. He sexually harassed me and threatened me for “wasting his time” because I asked to be removed from the call list. No company name is ever given- just “warranty department”.

Chelsea –

Victim Location 23513

Type of a scam Phishing

Received robocalls from a fake company called "warranty department" from 667-202-0560 and 175-762-2835. They seem to change their number several times a day.

Adriana –

Victim Location 28376

Type of a scam Phishing

A caller said he was with the warranty department and asked if I still owned a vehicle that my husband purchased several years ago. I said no and he asked if I had a warranty on my current car and I said yes. After I hung up I wondered how my name was associated with my husbands vehicle and why he would ask for me by name. I remembered hearing about the scam where they get you to say yes to something and then record you. I’m worried that I might have fallen for their scam.

Ramon –

Victim Location 48393

Type of a scam Phishing

RoboCall starts with "This is Allison from the Warranty Department. Can you hear me?"

From what I have heard about this robocaller scam, they will record my voice saying "yes" and sign me up for unwanted products.

Jerome –

Victim Location 53532

Type of a scam Phishing

automated caller "Hi this is allison from the warranty department. Can you hear my ok?"

i then hung up

Micah –

Victim Location 15071

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a call from a local phone number, and an automated voice introduced herself and said, "Hello, I am XX, from the warranty department. Can you hear me okay?" This scam has been reported that the caller records the victim saying yes to can you hear me and signs them up for unwanted things forcing the caller to pay for items. I hung up with no response.

Alex –

Victim Location 72764

Type of a scam Phishing

Alice from the warranty depth called and asked,"Can you hear me?"

Lindsey –

Victim Location 32963

Type of a scam Phishing

Female caller (or recorded voice) asked if I could hear her okay, and I said yes.

Wanted to make sure my warranty was up to date. After that I hung up.

Bradley –

Victim Location 33957

Type of a scam Phishing

The phone rang and when I picked it up a ladies voice on the other end said "This is Allison from the Warranty Department. Can you hear me?" I replied "yes, yes". Then I hung up.

This happened yesterday, February 27, 2017 around 4:40pm. I don’t know yet if I will be victimized by this scam in a financial or identity type means.

Donna –

Victim Location 27707

Type of a scam Phishing

The automated call said that a car warranty was about to expire. If I wanted to speak to a representative, then say "Yes."

Sounds like one of those scams where your "yes" is recorded and then used for online voice confirmation.

Javier –

Victim Location 37615

Type of a scam Phishing

It was a recording from someone at the "Warranty department" You can tell these calls sound like a real person, but by what they say and the fact that they just keep talking no matter if you answer or not, it’s a recording. They said "Can you hear me?"

I just remained silent for a moment and then hung up. Alot of times, if I get an unrecognized number I don’t answer. Sometimes when I do, I don’t even say hello, I just listen. That’s what I did this time.

Sergio –

Victim Location 84065

Type of a scam Identity Theft

I received a phone call today with a woman saying she was from some warranty department and then asked if I could hear her ok. Then I realized it was a recording and that scam that the news was warning us about but it was too late. I fell for it. I haven’t lost any money yet for it just happened.

Keri –

Victim Location 27312

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller identified herself as "Warranty Dept" and asked "can you hear me." I asked what warranty and there was no reply.

Matthew –

Victim Location 32225

Type of a scam Other

I received a recorded call from "The warranty department. Recording asked repeatedly, "Do you want to renew your important warranty before it expires? Never gave business name or what the supposed warranty was for. I have received repeated calls with this exact recorded script. Previously, I have just hung up without answering, because I had been forewarned about this scam, and then blocked the number. Today I got sick of it and looked up how to report it.

Krystle –

Victim Location 66061

Type of a scam Phishing

got I call and I answer yet. i was a recording.

Lance –

Victim Location 27896

Type of a scam Phishing

Phone call. Caller, fairly certain a recorded voice, asked if I could hear her okay, waited for me to respond. Slight delay after I said I could, then identified herself as calling from the "warranty department" and this was my final chance to claim the warranty. I hung up at this point, suspecting a scam.

Pamela –

Victim Location 19066

Type of a scam Phishing

Can you hear me scam- hung up

Mitchell –

Victim Location 70767

Type of a scam Phishing

Call is recording that says this is Alicia from the warranty department. Can you hear me ok?

Charlotte –

Victim Location 78745

Type of a scam Phishing

This phone # called and I’ve been getting like 50 a WEEK all different phone #’s from everywhere including area code I’m in. I answered this cause I was looking for a call from local person. They said this is warranty dept. CAN YOU HEAR ME OKAY… I hung up.

Kristina –

Victim Location 53534

Type of a scam Other

Hi this is the warranty department can you hear me OK?

Kellie –

Victim Location 48823

Type of a scam Identity Theft

The automated voice on the line said "Hello, this is Allison from the warranty department. Can you hear me ok?". I believe they will use my response ("Yes") to show that I authorized purchases I did not make.

Raul –

Victim Location 53090

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller says "Hello, this is Allison. Can you hear me OK?" I said good bye and hung up. One call each of last two days.

Brenda –

Victim Location 44001

Type of a scam Phishing

Number called multiple days saying they are from the warranty department andasking "Can you hear me okay?" I immediately hung up.

Chelsea –

Victim Location 15228

Type of a scam Phishing

Identified as Warranty Department saying Warranty is about to expire. Then asked if you can hear them.

Micheal –

Victim Location 44077

Type of a scam Phishing

Started out with this is Allison can you hear me.

Carly –

Victim Location 52601

Type of a scam Phishing

Asked if I could hear them ok. Wanting me to say yes

Grace –

Victim Location 74804

Type of a scam Other

The robot lady said "Hi, this is Lisa from the warranty department. Can you hear me ok?" Then I hung up on her.

Donna –

Victim Location 46106

Type of a scam Other

Automated voice asked "Can you here me now, please respond yes"

Bradley –

Victim Location 27502

Type of a scam Phishing

First question asked by recorded voice was "Can you hear me?". Pretty sure this was a robocall scam.

Arthur –

Victim Location 45242

Type of a scam Phishing

I believe they recorded my voice saying "yes" and will use it to purchase things. A woman started out asking if I could hear her, and I said yes, then it was clearly a recording after that, saying she is from the warranty department. When I called back, a recording said the survey had been closed.

Adriana –

Victim Location 46217

Type of a scam Phishing

Called and asked "can you hear me?"

Adriana –

Victim Location 02871

Type of a scam Phishing

Phone number called 4 times in one day, left no messages. On the 4th call I answered and there was a recording on the other end that said:

"Hi, this is Lisa calling from the Warranty Department, can you hear me alright?"

I immediately hung up the phone and blocked the number. Wanted this to be reported as part of the "Can you hear me Scam" so people would not answer this phone number.

Heidi –

Victim Location 53012

Type of a scam Phishing

Phone call said this is Allison from the warranty department, can you hear me ok? Then I hung up. They tried calling me back 2 days later.

Juan –

Victim Location 73018

Type of a scam Phishing

It was a "Can you hear me okay?" scam. I hung up immediately.

Eduardo –

Victim Location 44233

Type of a scam Phishing

Sounds like an automated call but initially asks "can you hear me ok". Received the call twice today from the same phone number.

Joe –

Victim Location 44410

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

Can you hear me?

Trying to get me to say yes. I hung up on her.

Alberto –

Victim Location 40769

Type of a scam Other

Received a call saying this is Allison from the Warranty Department, can you hear me ok.

Gina –

Victim Location 54136

Type of a scam Phishing

The call is robotic, womans voice says she is from the warranty department and says can you hear me? I called the numbers back from my office phone and it was a message asking if i wanted to be put on the do not call list. i did not respond.

Brenda –

Victim Location 53225

Type of a scam Phishing

Automated message saying they were calling from the warranty department and asked "can you hear me okay". I immediately hung up.

Wesley –

Victim Location 67301

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller said with warranty department. Can you hear me.

Leslie –

Victim Location 32789

Type of a scam Other

Number keeps calling stating they are from the "warranty department" asking if I can "hear them okay". I have blocked multiple numbers and they still call.

Corey –

Victim Location 67212

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller said with warranty department, can you hear me.

Bobby –

Victim Location 19464

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Upon picking up a call an automated woman’s voice stating… " this is the warranty department… Can you hear me ok?" I hung up the phone without saying anything identifying it as a scam wanting to record my voice saying "yes"

Donna –

Victim Location 54016

Type of a scam Phishing

Answered the phone and a recording came on saying it was the warranty department. Then stated "Can you hear me?"

Lucas –

Victim Location 41332

Type of a scam Other

On 2/7/2017, at 2:54 p.m. EST, I received a call from (505) 816-7988. I answered the phone call and said "Hello" twice. Finally someone on the other end of the phone answered me by saying "This is the Warranty Department, can you hear me?" Without thinking, I said "Yeah." Then I quickly remembered that I had seen a television show a few days ago talking about a scam where someone asks if you can hear them then uses your recorded answer to enter you into a verbal contract. So I hung up. The call only lasted 13 seconds. The call caught me off guard, and even though I had seen the television show, my instinct to answer her question of whether I could hear her happened before I could realize what I had done. I was preoccupied by the fact that I needed to go pick up my son from elementary school. I hope it wasn’t a scam, but I fear it was! Please let me know what I can do if it was a scam. Thank you.

Theresa –

Victim Location 44410

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

Multiple phone calls, often local numbers but always with in the 330 area code. It is a recorded call that starts out, "This is Allison from the warranty dept. Can you hear me?" Or the other call is " Hello, Oh sorry I dropped my head set, Can you hear me?

They had a warning on the Today Show. They mentioned specifically the Can you hear me calls and said not to say YES because the scammer records your voice saying yes and are often able to make purchases with your recorded approval of yes.

Nicole –

Victim Location 01366

Type of a scam Phishing

Received a call stating it is Michelle from warranty department. Can you hear me ok?

Responded yes, what can I do for you. Call ended

Approximately one hour later, received call with same number on caller ID. Did not pick up, no message left on answering machine.

Cassie –

Victim Location 48073

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a phone call from the number listed above, and a recording stated, "Hi, this is Alison from the Warranty Department, can you hear me?" I hung up after that.

Chad –

Victim Location 77479

Type of a scam Phishing

Phone call received from the above number: "This is the warranty department calling. Can you hear me OK?"

Devin –

Victim Location 61920

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Can you hear me?

Crystal –

Victim Location 32817

Type of a scam Other

Received an automated/recorded "robo call" where the first thing they asked was "Hello, can you hear me ok?" I did not say anything or press anything and after about 10 seconds the recording continued asking if I would agree to renew my warranty (or something to that effect) without stating what product or company the "warranty" was for.

Received two calls from the same number at 1:09 PM and 2:11 PM Eastern Time on Feb 6 2016.

Trisha –

Victim Location 70548

Type of a scam Scholarship

Recording said vehicle warranty expired…final notice….even though they call from a different number everyday.

Asked if I’d like to speak to a warranty specialist. I said yes in order to ask my number not be called any more. The call ended immediately after I said yes. This made me suspicious so I looked online and saw numerous "say yes" scams being reported. This is obviously one of them. I suppose I’ll be billed for a product and threatened with legal action if i don’t pay….since I was recorded as saying yes.

Glenn –

Victim Location 97034

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller asked, "Can you hear me?" I’m afraid I walked right into it by responding, "Yes, but we don’t want any warranties," before hanging up.

Juan –

Victim Location 77007

Type of a scam Phishing

Alice called with the warranty department and asked if I could hear her ok.

Hannah –

Victim Location 84404

Type of a scam Phishing

Person called saying warranty was about to expire and then asked "can you hear me?"

Cindy –

Victim Location 29579

Type of a scam Phishing

The recorded voice say this is the warranty department. Can you hear me?

I hung up as I was warned about this type of call.

Caitlin –

Victim Location 40475

Type of a scam Other

This appears to be a part of the scam involving the question "Can you hear me?" Unfortunately, I said yes before realizing the scam.

Cara –

Victim Location 53217

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller said they were from the warranty department, ‘can you hear me’. I said yes, because I had just received a letter regarding my car warranty. I immediately said ‘no’ after the yes and told them ‘no’ again, so I am not sure if this was a scam or legitimate call. It was a woman calling.

Cynthia –

Victim Location 67846

Type of a scam Phishing

Several phone calls a day with a recording stating they are from the warranty department and then ask if you can hear them ok.

Justin –

Victim Location 68106

Type of a scam Phishing

this person stated they were from the "warranty department" and immediately asked if I could hear them… I did not say "yes" but did ask them what warranty they were referring to? when I asked the 2nd time they hung up on me…

Mary –

Victim Location 98439

Type of a scam Phishing

These were all one of those recently-publicized "Can you hear me?" robo calls

Taryn –

Victim Location 32967

Type of a scam Phishing

The call sounded like a real person but the pauses in-between responses were longer than usual. I heard about this type of scam on the Orlando, FL news channel. Only to realize this has just happened to me.. The scammers have not called back to demand a payment with the resording of my voice. The scammers call and ask, "can you hear me?" When you answer yes, they record you saying yes and then call back later demanding payment for a service with the recording of your voice as proof that you agreed to purchase their product.

Brittney –

Victim Location 68114

Type of a scam Phishing

Received a robocall on 2/1/17 from "Allison from the Warranty Department". She said, "Can you hear me now?" I hung up as I have seen reports on this scam.

Kaitlin –

Victim Location 88130

Type of a scam Phishing

I have received numerous phone calls from 850 area code numbers which are obvious "can you hear me ok" scams.

Krista –

Victim Location 98439

Type of a scam Phishing

This is one of the recently-publicized "Can you hear me?" robo calls.

Regina –

Victim Location 19146

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

Scammer called my home phone stating they were calling from the warranty dept. They then asked if I could hear them. I responded yes. There was a pause and I heard a click. I remembered the scam and immediately hung up the phone.

Naomi –

Victim Location 27587

Type of a scam Phishing

On January 30th, I received a phone call where the person identified herself as Allison from the Warranty Department (no company name given) and that their records indicate my warranty it about to expire. Then she said "Can you hear me?" Which I said yes and then realized it was this scam and hung up. I tired to call the number and got a garbled voice mail. The call indicates it was from Cary NC.

Brendan –

Victim Location 83607

Type of a scam Phishing

Sounded like a recording:

This is Allison from the warranty department, can you hear me okay?

I hung up without saying anything!

Thought this might be part of the "Can you hear me" scam that has been on the news and social media.

Kristen –

Victim Location 46033

Type of a scam Phishing

This is the warranty department calling… Can you hear me OK?

Shanna –

Victim Location 55110

Type of a scam Phishing

I answered and the scammer said, "hello. This is the warranty department. Can you hear me"? I said "yes. What warranty department"? Scammed then hung up.

Caleb –

Victim Location 48170

Type of a scam Phishing

Scammer calls asking can you hear me to get you to say yes. They record your responses to use in the future to authorize charges,

Sheena –

Victim Location 37128

Type of a scam Phishing

Phone call. ‘Hi, this is Allison from the warranty department. Can you hear me ok?’

Joanna –

Victim Location 32746

Type of a scam Phishing

They call wanting you to give them money for a warranty.

Colin –

Victim Location 43221

Type of a scam Other

Robo Call from 614347899, 6143331301, and several other local numbers. Difficult to avoid answering as they are local numbers and could be legit. Voice is a computer that says, "This is Allison from the warranty department. Can you hear me ok?" If you aren’t rude, she says she has "a special opportunity that could save you thousands of dollars when your warranty expires." If you ignore the call, it will ring back in just a minute making you think it’s an urgent call, sometimes as many as 5 times.

Obviously, what product that needs a warranty extension is never mentioned.

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