Real Estate Agent Imposter

Krystal –

Victim Location 14615

Type of a scam Rental

This person(s) continuously puts up advertisements for rental houses that they do not own, listing them for rent. This is a chronic problem on Craigslist as I’m trying to find suitable rental property for me & my dog. Everyday that I click on the "Prohibited" and delete it off, the next day the same offenders are back up with either a new or different property that does not belong to them.

One property was owned by an old classmate from high school, another by an old boss’s son. So I know for sure that they’re not the owner. Over a period of time, I have contacted them online and have been sent an application to fill out, and have been asked for personal information and to send money. Fortunately I never did send money because I did my research. These people need to be stopped. It’s rampant.

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