Paypal Imposter

Shawna – Nov 14, 2020

I got scanned for $400.00 by this imposter

Jonathan – Sep 18, 2020

Victim Location 54956

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I have received several emails from PayPal stating that I owe PayPal money for items that I did not purchase. These items cost hundreds of dollars, being shipped to people I do not know. I have never used PayPal, so I don’t know how they got my information, including my email address..

Bryce – Aug 21, 2020

Victim Location 53224

Total money lost $75

Type of a scam Bank/Credit Card Company Imposter Scam

Dear PayPal, as of yesterday I Connie would like to let you know that I received my bicycle seat yesterday that I ordered through you. With that said, I call your toll-free number to talk with your customer service to repay the $25.25.

And your customer service man name mark told me to go and buy a Google Play Card for $25.00 at Walgreen Store in order

to pay you back for the $ 25.25 order. He told us to stay on the phone while driving to Walgreens so we can get the right type of card. We proceeded and did what he asked while he was on the phone and we drove to Walgreen and purchased the one cards. But he then told us to give him the numbers on back of the google play cards that he requested us to buy. After that he told us the server ran out of time and that the card we just purchase could no longer be used because it needed two cards to work. But the only way he could give us our money back is to go and purchase one more card of the amount of $50 so he could override the server which we did. And then he said the server needed two cards and this is the only way to get our money back. So, we tried to pay back $25.25 and he took $75 from us by requesting to buy two google play cards $25 and $50. We have the two cards and proof of purchase. We would like this money to be refunded to us. This is the number who the representative said they was PayPal 1 850-204-4159 at 4:07 pm and at one point we lost connection and they call back at 1-805-420-2240 at 4:37pm

Mark – May 01, 2020

Victim Location 53144

Type of a scam Bank/Credit Card Company Imposter Scam

requesting email address and access code to PayPal using a facsimile of PayPal site and request to update file.

Rose –

Victim Location 83704

Type of a scam Phishing

I use Paypal for some small purchases and feel comfortable using their. This e-mail was addressed to me and made it through Outlook’s normal junk e-mail filter. It says that there has been suspicious activity on my account and that they have suspended use until that is resolved. The next page begins to ask for my basic information; name address telephone number, etc. That is when I got concerned and through my other browser, signed to my Paypal account. There is no problem with my account. This scam impressed me. The site sure looked real. . .

Diane –

Victim Location 54896

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I ordered several items on line the First week of November. Unfortunately I do not specically know which site I ordered from that contaned a paypal pop-up. I had already submitted my credit card inrormation on the site from a reputable business. After doing that a paypal popup came up and it stated I had to submit my information and credit card through them. I just thought that was how the business accepted payment and submitted it. A few days later I recieved an email from "pay-pal" informing me they were charging me $348.99 for a charge I made to Micro security. I had never heard of this company. I had not ordered anything that would be that much money. I immediately emailed that I had not authorized the charge. I also called a phone number contained in the email indicating the charge would go through in 10 days unless I notified them not to. When I called there was a person with a heavy middle-eastern accent that answered. I could barely hear what he was saying with the amount of other people talking in the background. I knew he and his company were a fraud and told him I was going to contact Law enforcement. He hung up when I said that.

Tracy –

Victim Location 38642

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Voicemail from PayPal about a cancellation subscription Macintyre software $228.00

Frederick –

Victim Location 14207

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

Today I received an email message, from PayPal, an invoice for items I did not purchase (two toy stuffed animal teddy bears). The Sender was PayPal®Invoice. The message indicated the funds were deducted from credit/debit card.

Jon –

Victim Location 66606

Type of a scam Online Purchase



Danny –

Victim Location 01604

Total money lost $250

Type of a scam Tech Support

Received an email from "paypal" support claiming that my account had been compromised. They were willing to fix the problem but for a cost. First they wanted gift cards but then requested a wire transfer.

Brad –

Victim Location 83704

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Using official looking PayPal email. Says to go to WalMart and request store to store transfer for to pay moving expenses for an item purchased on Craigslist. Money will only clear to your PayPal account AFTER you pay the shipping costs & fees. I have 3 VERY official looking emails that appear to be from PayPal. I already forwarded them to [email protected] for investigation. Careful when you sell things online. I said local pick up only but would consider shipping if buyer paid all associated charges. Hah! They really tried to get me on this one…

Please let me know if you would like me to forward these same emails to you…

Tabitha –

Victim Location 76227

Total money lost $50

Type of a scam Phishing

They will tell you to buy a apple iTunes card and give them the number

Julie –

Victim Location 10463

Total money lost $2,500

Type of a scam Other

Fake PayPal said I was being scammed and hacked after purchase of jeans a d I needed to get Google play cards.

Courtney –

Victim Location 93405

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Email stating that I ordered something with Paypal with a link to cancel the order if I did not make this purchase.

Suzanne –

Type of a scam Phishing

I have been receiving emails from this fake PayPal saying that I have authorized payments for purchases. I NEVER use my PayPal account anymore, and haven’t in years. They are trying to get you to click on the email to complain, which will allow them to get your personal info, and account numbers, etc. I am thoroughly disgusted by all of this, and sick of receiving this stuff!! Please do not fall for these scams.

Jaclyn –

Type of a scam Business Email Compromise

This is the second attempt at phishing me. This one has all the proper links, but payPal has no record of this transaction #.

Francisco –

Victim Location 53549

Type of a scam Phishing

I looked on line to pay my PayPal account and the first thing that came up said Paypal office with a phone number of 866-885-3888. I called the number and the person on the other end had a heavy accent said that I should pay my account using a google card. I asked to speak to a supervisor, someone that speaks English and was given to a woman, who was not much better. She wanted me to go to the store and purchase it while I was still on my phone. Red Flags went up and I said I could not go to the store at this time. I got off the phone and googled Paypal, got into their website and made the payment.

Gregory –

Victim Location 83701

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a letter in the mail from "PayPal" saying I had an account and fraud on the account. They told me to call them at 888-361-0687 to verify my information. I called PayPal from their official phone number, and they told me they only correspond through email, not by snail mail. They said the account number on the letter didn’t exist, either. 

Ana –

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Every other week I receive an email from PayPay advising me I have bought something in the U.S. Always several hundred $. My grand-daughter advised me NOT to open them, just delete. I am NOT a member of PayPal, never have been. Can’t figure out how they got my email address. Is there some way to stop these emails?

Apparently I bought Air Jordan 1 retro high ogbg (gs) bredtoe Item 803237 Invoice 102302842 (whatever the heck that is) from flight club NY Ltd 888 937 8020

Glenn –

Type of a scam Phishing

I received an email purporting to represent PayPal in a purchase from Jeg’s Automotive for a purchase of $428.99USD. thetransaction ID: 0-3DT35000K2088174J . It provided a link to a "Help Center" it claimed to have sent a payment to the following address: [email protected]

I have deleted the email but did forward it to PayPal for their follow up as well.

Laura –

Victim Location 85020

Type of a scam Phishing

An e-mail was sent claiming to be an online purchase confirmation from paypal for $100 to googleplay. It has a link to cancel the order by clicking a button, but clicking the button grants access to your computer.

Neil –

Victim Location 13027

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

Received email indicating PayPal order had been processed for item purchased at Wallmart- it was spelled with two L’s. Had a link to say Cancel if it was not a purchase I had made

Amy –

Victim Location 13760

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I received an email that says I paid $*** to auto renew some subscription to Siber Systems for I have no idea what this is. I did not do this. I sent the email to Paypal so they can look into it.

Micheal –

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Received an email with information on a payment made to Facebook in the amount of $151. Wording indicated that if transaction was incorrect to click on the accompanying site to log on and dispute the charge. The email had a lot of the usual characteristics that a PayPal transaction email has but some things were off. So be careful and read through this type of email carefully. Go to a site like PayPal directly not through what seems like a bogus email

Marcus –

Victim Location 29340

Type of a scam Identity Theft

They say they are from PayPal & they say you have money deposited into your paypal accound. Then they say there was suspicious activity in your account & they need to update your informarion & you meed to log in & update information. It ask for your user name & password, then it takes you to next page saying your credit card is expired put in new credit card information. Well i notice that i typed in wrong password & it took it. And I went back & put any password in & it took it. Next page it askes for you to enter updated credit card. Plus the web adress didnt have paypal in it so i also what was suspicious. But the make the log in look identical to there! Be very careful with this!!! The email address is [email protected] but says its from [email protected]

Barbara –

Type of a scam Nigerian/Foreign Money Exchange

So I recently posted an ad on kijiji selling a 2015 Macbook and got a text from the aforementioned number. They said they wished to purchase the item for their husband and asked me if I was willing to sell it at a more discounted price, I agreed. The first red flag was when they said they needed more information since we agreed to do the transaction through PayPal and I initially gave them the email address associated with the account, they also asked for my name – Paypal transactions only require a name, number, OR email address. They wanted me to send it right away so I said I would do that as soon as the funds were legitimately confirmed in my account.

I asked for shipping information to also confirm destination charges on my end. The address was sure enough to Nigeria, yet the number they were using is based out of Los Angeles, California. Big red flag. So, with all this in mind and to get more information, i waited until they sent the email and sure enough it was a fake Paypal address stating the money has been approved but it was being held until they got a tracking number, the page actually looks like a well based replica of the PayPal website, but the address is fake and didn’t belong to paypal. Im making this report not long after the email was sent to get as much information as I can to avoid this happening to anybody else. Please be careful with your information and always cross reference sources to make sure everything is legitimate. Thanks.

Jordan –

Victim Location 44601

Type of a scam Phishing

We received an email saying we had signed up for automatic payment to Turtle Entertainment Online Inc. for ESA Premium Membership Subscription. Cost will be $26.95 per month. To change or cancel our agreement it gave a link to Login to Your Paypal Account and click "My Preapproved Payments.

Instead of following their link, I logged into paypal separately and there were no such charges or payments set up. I believe this was a phishing scam to get my paypal login and password is you follow their link.

William –

Victim Location 93905

Type of a scam Phishing

Claimed to be from paypal. Email stated that my paypal account was place on limitation. I had to give them all of my personal info in order to verify my account. It’s a total phishing scam that I unfortunately fell for. Please BEWARE of this. Nobody deserves to get scammed like this

Micheal –

Victim Location 11968

Type of a scam Credit Cards

I used my paypal account and within 10 minutes I received an very valid looking email claiming my paypal account has been suspended. They provided a link and a click here to update my account info due to inactive members, frauds and spoof reports. I went back to my paypal account through my own link and found no such issues.

Julie –

Victim Location 22025

Type of a scam Phishing

Email from [email protected] but the PayPal part had a funky L in it. Stated that a transaction was made and money will be deducted from my bank account. Advises if I didn’t make this transaction to click a cancellation link. It’s a definite phishing email.

Marissa –

Victim Location 98038

Type of a scam Phishing

Received an e-mail purporting to be from Paypal with an attachment titled "Custemer.Supporte.PDF" and "Please open the attachment and complete the steps." in the body of the e-mail. This meets some of the criteria pointed out by the BBB website as a potential scam…"Look for mispellings." and "The e-mails will be very general when they should contain your name or other identifying info."

Cassandra –

Victim Location 55033

Type of a scam Online Purchase

A few weeks ago I received what looked like an email from [email protected] When I opened it, it looked like a purchase confirmation email with a link to "cancel now" at the top. I of course did not make that purchase, so I clicked the link to cancel, logged into my PayPal through the link, but then it asked me for a bunch of info including my social security number. I know I’ve never given that to PayPal, so they would have no way of verifying it. I contacted PayPal and confirmed they had no such transaction and changed my password immediately. When I went back to check the email to see what other info there was, it was gone. I have received a similar email today and would like to report it. I have attached the initial screen shot of the email. I also took a screen shot of the email in its entirety if you should need it.

Colin –

Victim Location 76302

Type of a scam Phishing

Received this message: Your account will be limited because we’ve noticed significant changes ln your account activity. As your payment processor, we need to understand these changes better.

This account Iimitation will affect your ability to:

Send or receive money

Withdraw money

Also, you won’t be able to:

Remove any accounts

Remove credit cards

Close your account

What to do next

Please log in to your account and provide the requested information before September 22, 2017 through the Account Review. If we don’t receive the information before this deadline or we notice additional significant changes in your account activity, your account access may be further Iimited.

Log In Now

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you need further assistance, please click Contact at the bottom of any page.

Copyright © 1999-2016 Company. All rights reserved. Company (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Société en Commandite par Actions. Registered office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349

George –

Victim Location 27612

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

this scammer send on email with PayPal logo on it saying there is a transaction of 199.00 dollars on it needed to click link to stop if it was not me thank god I have multiple email account and the email it was sent to has no link to my PayPal account that when I notice it was asking for my login information to PayPal as well to re-update my address and my bank information please look into to that to prevent future people from falling into this scam

Alejandro –

Type of a scam Online Purchase

E-mail said I had made a purchase through PayPal for Netflix. It said to click on a link to cancel the transaction if I had not authorized this transaction. I had not made a purchase and I checked PayPal directly (not through the link in the e-mail), there has been no activity.

Leonard –

Type of a scam Phishing

Just received an email from a sender claiming to be PayPal. Absolute scam! Screenshot of the email attached here (photo showing email of scammer). The email has been reported as "phishing scam" and deleted.

Geoffrey –

Type of a scam Phishing

Thank you for your order


Order ID: 5CC67447N5362935S

Receipt Date: 31/01/2017

Order Total: |$| 51.48


Security Notices :

If you have not recently done this order using your Account ID and if you think some one else has access to your account, Cancel This order and change your password :

Cancel This order Now > Account Verification /


Please don’t reply directly to this automatically generated email message.

NC51-028-029-01, 152 N College St., Charlotte, NC 228255

All rights reserved.

—————————————————————————-End of email

This is an email I received twice over the course of the past two weeks.

When I click on the provided link, it asks me for my Outlook password, followed by all my personal information (name, address, phone no., DOB, mother’s maiden name, SIN). Then it asks for my credit card number, expiry date, verification code. I gave fictitious passwords and names and the system accepts them.

Lisa –

Victim Location 75208

Type of a scam Debt Collections

I was phoned by ‘Paypal’ today and they were allegedly following up on a collection attached to my account. I have no debt with them, and I closed my account in October 2015. To verify my identity, she asked me about email addresses attached to the account. And she asked me to verify the address on the account . I supplied her with two old addresses, and verified the zip code on the second one. She said some other email was attached to the account that I didn’t recognize and she recited the last 4 digits of the social, which I noted was not mine.

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